Page 41 of Laura's Safe Haven
Isaac put his mouth close to Laura’s ear but never took his eyes off Cade. “Say goodbye to your new friend. You won’t be seeing him again.”
Tears welled in her eyes. Indecision shining brighter than the sun on her face.
A nearby screen door squeaked and slammed against siding. Heavy boots stomped on a worn porch. “I suggest you step away from Laura and put your hands in the air.”
Cade turned toward the new voice and relief combined with shock. Mrs. Collins stood on her porch with a shotgun aimed at Isaac.
“Trust me,” she yelled. “I have damn good aim. You’ll have to let go of her to run to that truck of yours eventually, and when you do, I won’t miss. And just in case you don’t believe me, you should know police are on the way.”
With Isaac’s attention fixed on Mrs. Collins, Cade took a small step. Cornered animals made questionable choices, and he didn’t want Laura caught in the crosshairs.
“Stupid bitch!” Isaac yelled. “You always get me in trouble. I’m not done with you.” He shoved Laura and took off running toward his truck.
Cade shot forward and caught Laura before she hit the cement. He cradled her in his arms as sirens split the air and combined with her soft cries. Whoever was messing with his company might not have targeted Laura the night she’d been attacked, but that didn’t mean she was safe.
Despite the heatin the old Victorian house, Laura couldn’t stop her teeth from chattering. After making sure the knife hadn’t even scratched the surface, Mrs. Collins had draped a sage green quilt over her shoulders. Cade sat glued to her side. He ran his palms up and down her arms, but nothing could chase the chill fear had set in her bones.
A soft knock on the doorframe of the sitting room announced a uniformed deputy with a sympathetic smile. “Hi, Ms. Metcalf. I’m here to take your statement.”
“Deputy Pennel, but you can call me Sadie. I’m sorry this is how we’re meeting again.”
Laura tried to force a smile for the other woman’s benefit but came up empty.
“Please, sit,” Cade said, and gestured to the armchair situated beside the loveseat they occupied.
The deputy crossed the room and took a seat before pulling out a small notepad and pen. “We have several deputies, as well as the city police, searching for Mr. Heck. So far, they’ve come up empty. Is there anywhere you think he might be hiding? Anyone who could be helping him?”
She shrugged. “He only has the one house that’s right in town. No other properties. His father died when he was young, and his mother moved away. They’re not very close, but he might contact her.”
“Do you know her name?”
“Amy Heck. I have her number in my phone if you’d like it.”
“That’d be great. What about siblings? Friends? Coworkers?”
Exhaustion made her eyes heavy as adrenaline leaked from her system. She struggled to keep her eyes wide and focused on Sadie. All she wanted was to lean into Cade and close her eyes. Forget for a few minutes that the man she’d once loved had actually threatened her life with a knife.
“He doesn’t have any friends and no siblings.”
“None he was close with.”
Cade cleared his throat and shifted on the cushion, resting a palm on her thigh. “What about your dad?”
She squeezed her eyes closed for a beat against the question. Not because it angered her, but because he’d made a valid suggestion. “Isaac and my father are very close. He works with my dad, and my dad’s always championed him. Even pressured me to get back together with him knowing about the abuse I suffered.”
Sadie stopped scribbling and raised a well-shaped brow. “There’s a history of abuse with Mr. Heck? Have you ever pressed charges before?”
Shame heated Laura’s cheeks. She wrung her hands on her lap, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room. “No.”
Cade cupped his hand over hers, stopping the motion of her circling palms.
Calmed by his touch, she blew out a long, shaky breath. “I endured Isaac’s abuse for many years. I thought I was hiding it. Thought nobody knew.” She let out a humorless laugh. “There wasn’t enough makeup in the world to cover all the bruises. To hide the marks and scars. I thought I could change him. Thought he loved me. Isaac doesn’t know how to love, and it wasn’t until I found out I was pregnant that I knew I had to leave. I have someone else to protect now.”
“Making a statement today, you’re taking a huge step in protecting both you and your baby,” Sadie said. “I’ve seen thismore times than I care to admit. Men like him who’ve lost control of the women they claim to love. They can’t handle it. They make dangerous decisions they can’t come back from. Threatening you with a knife is one of those choices. The law will step in and do whatever we can to help you. I promise.”