Page 50 of Laura's Safe Haven
A dagger through the heart would have hurt less. “What’s best for me and my baby is being safe. Is not living with a man who hurts me. Is to raise this child where he or she is always safe. Always loved.”
“I’ve loved you since the first moment I laid eyes on you. I wanted nothing more than to protect you and your siblings. I know…” Another quick look at Cade swallowed the rest of her voice.
A familiar pang of sympathy softened her. She understood how hard it was to leave, and she didn’t have three children to support. Her mother never spoke out against Jenson’s behavior, but she’d stepped between him and her children countless times. She took his anger to save her kids. Her mom was like a lot of women in abusive relationships. She didn’t think she had any other option, so she stayed.
Cade cleared his throat, drawing her attention. “Why don’t I grab some water for everyone? Maybe some snacks to pick at? Laura, you haven’t eaten in a while.”
His consideration warmed her down to her toes. “Thank you.”
Once he was in the kitchen, she struggled to line up her thoughts in a way to make her point but not offend her mom. “I know you love me and want what’s best for me. I love you, too. But I don’t believe that’s what Dad wants, or ever has. He wants me to be with Isaac for whatever reason—I don’t know, maybe they understand each other in some sick way only two abusers can.”
Nicole winced and backed into the edge of the sofa, lowering herself as if her legs couldn’t hold her any longer. She shook her head, staring at Laura with her mouth slightly agape.
Laura ignored the tightness in her chest and hurried to sit beside her mom. She took her hands and squeezed them in her lap. “We’ve never discussed what Dad put us kids through, and Lord knows I don’t know everything you’ve had to endure over the years. I don’t need to know.”
Tears sprang to the corners of Nicole’s eyes. She sniffed, the tip of her nose reddening.
“You need to hear me when I say I know you love me and did your best. But I want better for my baby.” She took their joined hands and placed them on her stomach. “This is your grandchild. I want to protect this child from everyone. I won’t stay with a man who will hurt me because Dad wants good optics. What he should want is Isaac behind bars and his daughter happy and healthy. Can you understand that?”
Nicole nodded and finally let the tears fall down her face. “I want that to. I’m trying to make everyone happy and it’s just not possible. I always let someone down. I always fail somehow.”
All Laura wanted to do was shove away her own issues and tackle the insecurities shackling her mother to a man who treated her like dirt.
The same insecurities that had haunted her for as long as she could remember.
But she couldn’t save her mother. She could offer her support and love, but she needed to focus on her own journey right now. Because as much as she hated to admit it, she wasn’t anywhere near out of the woods.
“You didn’t fail, Mom. You’ve done a damn good job. Maybe it’s time for you to start thinking about what’s best for you. What you need out of life.”
Nicole straightened and yanked her hands away from Laura, as if finally speaking the truth had hit a nerve. “This isn’t appropriate,” she said, sniffing back all traces of tears. “I came here to see if your father and I could offer you a safe place to stay. Not get into a conversation about me or my marriage.”
Laura struggled to keep her face pleasant. “Fine. I appreciate the concern, but I’m good. Cade is more than capable of keeping me safe.”
As if on cue, Cade returned carrying a wooden tray filled with three glasses and a plate with cheese and crackers. He set the tray on the coffee table then stood at Laura’s side.
A ding sounded from inside Nicole’s purse, and she fished out her phone. Standing, she returned the device to the bag. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”
It took every ounce of self-control for Laura not to roll her eyes. No doubt her father had told her mother it was time to leave. She rose and gave her mom another hug then walked her to the door.
Nicole hesitated in the doorway and locked her gaze on Cade. “Don’t let anyone hurt one hair on her head.”
“You have my word.”
When Nicole was gone, Laura sighed and sank back down on the couch. She couldn’t save her mother, couldn’t take on that burden. She’d broken the cycle of abuse and saved herself, and if it came down to it, she’d protect her own child with her dying breath.
Laura almost laughed as she pulled items out of the bag she’d hastily thrown together before leaving her house and coming to Cade’s. She’d hoped to take her time and bring things that she not only needed but would boost her confidence a bit.
Her mother’s unexpected visit had squashed that.
Now she prayed she could squeeze into the t-shirt and leggings she’d stuffed in the bag. At least the shorts and sleep tank fit, even if the silly material clung to her belly. Cade had been nothing but thoughtful and sweet about her pregnancy, but a sliver of insecurity lingered.
She placed the items on the neatly made bed. The guest room in Cade’s house was so cozy, it practically wrapped her in a warm hug. A red and black plaid comforter covered the queen-sized bed. Giant pillows begged for her to lay her head on them. A fuzzy, cream-colored rug centered the room and framed mountain landscapes hung on the walls.
All that was missing was a calico cat curled in front of the fireplace.
“Have everything you need?”