Page 6 of Laura's Safe Haven
Time to go. Being alone in the unfamiliar space was clearly messing with her head. She’d shut down for the night, go home, and cuddle on the couch with a soft blanket and leftovers from the night before. Maybe put on a comedy to clear away the ridiculous cloud of dread that had settled over her.
She waited another beat to make sure nothing came shooting down the hall, then quickly turned off the computer and gathered her things. With her keys in hand, she headed for the door.
Swift footsteps reached her ears in seconds. She bolted toward the front entrance without looking back. She’d spent enough years running from danger to recognize that somethingwas wrong. She grabbed the doorknob with her free hand and yanked open the door.
A hard body came up behind her and slammed the door shut. A heavy hand dug into her shoulder.
She opened her mouth and screamed.
The evening air hadn’t cooled much. Cade breathed in deep, glad to finally be out of the office—even if only a few steps away. Day one working with Laura was finished, and Lord only knew how many more left.
He’d text Matthew when he got home and demand answers. They were partners and this secrecy crap wasn’t acceptable.
Not with basic questions like where are you and when are you coming back.
With one decision made, his growling stomach forced his attention to another.
After filling up on doughnuts, he’d skipped lunch. He could drive home and cook for himself, but that’d take far too long. Besides, he hadn’t been to the grocery store in almost a week and his fridge was bare. Much better to head to the Chill N’ Grill and grab a burger. Maybe even a cold beer to wash away the lingering knots in his stomach.
A pang of guilt stopped his progress to his truck parked on the side of the road. Laura hadn’t touched the doughnuts, and she hadn’t left for lunch either.
Had she packed something to eat?
The mini-fridge he kept stocked with soda hadn’t held any signs of a homemade lunch. Matthew didn’t talk much about his family, but Cade had heard enough whispers around town to understand Laura’s situation.
A situation that was tough with only herself to look after, let alone a baby on the way. And she’d used what little resources she had to buy him breakfast. Which he’d scarfed down with a quick thanks and no second thought.
Dammit. He should offer to take her with him for dinner. Make sure she had something to eat and thank her for all the help today. It really was the least he could do.
A panicked scream cut through the muggy night and made his pulse jump at his throat.
He sprinted back to the office and yanked on the door. It didn’t budge. He fisted his hand and pounded on the thick wood. “Laura! It’s Cade! Open the door!”
Dull thuds and shuffling feet reached his ears and he dug into his pocket for his keys. He unlocked the deadbolt with shaky hands and shoved open the door.
Laura curled in the fetal position on the floor in the corner. Sobs shaking her shoulders and tears streaming down her face. Her arms were cradled around her abdomen.
Oh God. The baby.
He dropped to her side and reached for her.
She flinched and curled even tighter into herself.
A ball of anger lodged in his throat. He kept his hands on his thighs, struggling not to smooth back her hair or wipe the moisture from her face. Anything to show her she was safe with him. “It’s okay, Laura. I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to make sure you’re okay and find out what happened.”
“There was someone in here.” She sniffed back more tears and closed her eyes. “I heard a noise and got spooked. I decided to leave. Hurried to the door, but when I cracked it open, someone slammed it shut. He grabbed me, and I screamed.”
Fury raged inside him. “Did you see the person? Know them?” He debated asking if Isaac had followed her to work and waited for him to leave before attacking, but that asshole was suspect number one in his mind no matter the answer.
She shook her head. “You pounded on the door so quick. I think it scared him. He threw me on the ground and ran out the back. I only saw him from behind, but he was dressed all in black. A knit hat around his head.”
Cade wanted to sprint down the darkened hallway. Maybe he’d have a chance to run back there and catch whoever’d done this. But a light touch on his hand rooted him to the spot.