Page 24 of Kell
Alana took a bite of the fresh muffin and moaned. “Dear god, I’ve missed your cooking.”
Mara winked at her. “I’m glad.”
Kell put his hand on her thigh and the skin heated beneath. “Do you know where the next artifact can be found?”
She placed the muffin on the plate and dusted her hands off. “Yes. It’s in Scotland.” She pulled out her phone and pulled the area up before showing the map to Kell. “It’s in these caves. They are just off the coast...”
“Alana, our caves were in those mountains. We abandoned them when we migrated to the States. Is this artifact dragon in origin?”
She nodded. “I guess it is. I knew the name but never considered it was a real dragon artifact at first.”
“How do you know where these artifacts are?”
Alana tapped her temple. “When Adara tasked me with retrieving them, she imprinted a list in my mind. They were listed by power and difficulty. I started with the easier and less powerful first as I was new to the acquisitions trade and Adara needed less... juice at the beginning.”
“This list shows you where they are located?”
“Once I decide on an artifact, I can bring up a map in my mind. This applies to Adara’s list only. When I acquire artifacts for the museum, it is more of a hunch and sense of direction that guides me.”
“That is the power of the seeker. The artifacts you retrieve for Adara now, they are considerably more powerful than those you first acquired?” Kell asked.
“Yes. I imagine this one will be tough.”
“This artifact resides in a dragon cave, so I can nullify any of the wards. I will be there to help you in any way I can.”
She smiled at him. “Thank you. I wasn’t looking forward to a follow-up of last time.”
“There will be no further injuries to you,” Kell said with confidence.
She flinched because she knew as much as he wanted to, that wasn’t a guarantee. “About that...”
Legion’s eyes narrowed on Alana. “You know what this artifact is called? Do you know what it does?”
She shook her head. “Only that the previous owners... I guess that’s you, deemed it too dangerous in human hands. It’s sealed deep within the mountain, and it has more power than any other artifact. Non-druid one’s anyway.”
Legion’s face hardened. “What is the name of this artifact?”
Alana met his impenetrable stare. “I think you already know.”
Alana took the cup of tea Mara handed her. She blew on the hot liquid as she kept her gaze locked with Legion’s.
“The dragon’s claw,” he whispered.
She took a sip of her tea. “Yes.”
Legion cursed under his breath in a language she didn’t recognize. “Why can’t I power Adara until she is restored? I did it before.”
Alana shook her head. “You can’t. Once you destroyed that connection, it couldn’t be re-established. It has to do with Mara’s power. You are connected to her now. That was the power that connected you to the temple. She used your mate link. Though it was dormant until Mara was reborn.”
They all turned when the door opened, and Cole entered with Natalie. He kept his hand on his mate’s waist as if he couldn’t let her go.
Natalie dashed to Alana. “I am so glad to see you. Mara told me what happened. I am so sorry, Alana.”
Alana hugged her uncomfortably. She had never been good with shows of affection, but appreciated that Natalie had been there for Mara when she couldn’t. “I hear you have a bun in the oven. Congrats.”
Natalie rubbed her stomach. “You hear about women being nauseous in the first trimester, but I hadn’t experienced any until yesterday. I hope we can get this thing with Adara sorted before I ralph on Draco again.”