Page 6 of Kell
Kell glanced around. “This cave has several wards surrounding it. I cannot connect with my brethren. We need to leave and see if the other druids are being attacked or if it is just you.”
Alana sucked in a breath. “Mara.” She tried to focus on her sister’s image as the darkness consumed her.
Kell waited for Alana to wake. He ran a finger through her ponytail as it cascaded over the pillow like a silk waterfall. He could see the similarities to Mara, though Alana cut her hair mid-length, and she had blue eyes. She wasn’t as full-figured as her sister and she gave the impression of a porcelain doll, though she was much stronger than she looked.
They had all speculated on the reasons Alana stayed away from her sister. While Mara felt it was personal or her sister’s need to acquire the next rare artifact, Kell knew it was something deeper. He felt her fear when he connected with Alana. She didn’t fear her own death. She feared failure. There was a task lain at the feet of his druid, but he had no idea what it was, and neither did Mara.
Why would Adara allow one of her druids to navigate the treachery of the supernatural world alone when she had gone out of her way to ensure the others had friends and family? Alana’s plight seemed to run in opposition to everything he knew about the druids. Like the dragons, they thrived when they were together. We’re more powerful when united. Just like the dragons of color.
She made a slight noise. Almost like a cat mewing as she opened her eyes. “What happened? Why do I feel like I got soul sucked?”
“I don’t know. You were so exhausted, and I thought it best to let you sleep for an hour before we exited the cave. I cannot contact Legion until we are free of the wards.”
She pushed herself to a sitting position. “Okay, let’s go. I still feel like my stomach is on a roller coaster, but I want to find out what is causing it.”
Kell rose and moved to her side of the bed. He scooped her into his arms, and she patted his arm. “I will carry you. Allow me to do this. You are exhausted and unwell. You already have what you came here for. Traversing the cave again will prove nothing.”
She remained rigid in his arms for a few seconds before relaxing into him. The bed disappeared as he strode toward the exterior of the cave with his mate in his arms. It would take a miracle for her to trust him, but he was content to hold her. His dragon sent inappropriate images into his mind, and he chastised the beast for its impatience.
“Are all dragons perverted?” she asked without condemnation in her voice.
He sighed. “I am sorry. My beast is... excited to meet you. Don’t let his ideas scare you. I am not sure some of those things are even possible.”
“Not in human form. He is thinking in dragon terms. When the druids had the power of transmutation. There are no guarantees we will have that power.”
“That is true, but we believe you will adapt as your forbearers did. There is no rush for such things,” Kell said, though he was surprised she had picked up on those images and that they hadn’t scared her.
“I think it would be amazing to fly. I envy you that freedom.”
“You will not have to for long. I flew here, so you will experience it as soon as we exit the cave. We must return to the cabin and converse with my brethren.” He felt her tense in his arms, but wasn’t sure if it was the flying or seeing her family.
“We are going to fly?” he detected the interest in her voice. She wanted to fly, so her hesitation was meeting up with Mara. Why did she avoid her sister so?
He traversed the caves quickly, but set an even pace so he didn’t jostle her. He could still feel the tension in her stomach, and while he tried to send her healing energy, it did nothing to quell her uneasiness. Whatever she was experiencing was not a human virus.
The murmur of voices echoed in his mind before he exited the cave mouth.Legion.
His leader’s voice erupted in his mind. We have been trying to contact you. What has caused the breach in our communication?
I was inside the North caves. There are wards around the interior. It housed Alana’s circle. She was successful in recovering it, but was hurt. I was forced to retrieve her and had to heal her injuries before we exited the boundaries of the wards.
How are you able to find her? Alana’s unwillingness to communicate with her sister vexes me.
Do not judge my mate too harshly. I believe there is more to her evasiveness. She was willing to die rather than let me help her. Had our connection not been forged years ago, I’m not sure I would’ve gotten to her in time.
Alana is your mate?
She called you blue. I wasn’t sure she knew your name,Legion messaged.
We spoke telepathically during my slumber. And honestly, when she connected with me, I believed she was something I made up to ease the loneliness. It wasn’t until I awakened that I realized she was real.
I am glad it is you, though I believe you have a momentous task ahead of you. Adara has fallen ill, and it is affecting all the women. Bring Alana to the cabin so we can devise a course of action.
Kell glanced down at Alana. She appeared to be sleeping in his arms and he realized she was used to taking a rest when she could get it. This was how his mate lived. Always on the run with no security or fail safes. How had she survived?We are on our way.