Page 27 of Rhadan
Rhadan’s power pulsed. “Are you? That’s unfortunate. There was a time when we were friends.”
Gargo flinched. “I remember when we were young, and your power began to emerge. I was so jealous of you. None of the adults could combat your power. Everyone did as you asked until you learned to stop requesting things. You had no idea what you could have done with that power.”
Rhadan sighed. “You mean what you could have done with this power?”
Gargo growled. “Yes. It was wasted on you. Had you taken more interest in what Magnus and the others were doing, you could have ordered them to stop.”
Rhadan’s heart squeezed. His power had made him hide from his family, but his shame had ensured he was never faced with this conversation. Tempest felt the pain as if it were her own.
You knew. Your power isn’t the only reason you avoided your family. She sent the thought into his mind with love and understanding. The burden the young Rhadan was forced to endure was too much.
His hesitation made the dark dragon before him step forward. Gargo made the same assumption Tempest had. “You could have stopped it. You knew what the adults were planning.”
Rhadan nodded. “I did. I asked my father what he and Magnus had discussed while on their hunting trip, expecting it to be about food stores and cattle. I hadn’t meant for him to divulge their plan. I had no idea what had been going on behind closed doors.”
“You could have ordered them to stop. My mother. My father!” Gargo hissed.
“Yes. And my father begged me not to say anything. He asked me to think of the dragons’ future. Of my future mate. I cried for two days and avoided my friends. I allowed those awful events to transpire, and I hated myself when I found my parents huddled together in death.”
Tempest cried out as the pain of that moment rolled through her mind. Gargo turned toward the office where she hid.
“You have a druid with you. I am impressed by your shielding. Had she not sobbed at your pathetic story, I would not have known she was here.”
“You care nothing for our species or your parents. You have always sought power. Even when you were a red dragon.”
“Yes. I do miss my crimson scales, though.”
“You will see mine soon enough,” Rhadan said.
Gargo looked at him, and Tempest could see the envy and admiration in his eyes. Whatever the mage had done was wearing off. “I have lost the urge to fight you. I will take your druid instead and replace my enthusiasm for the fight with her blood.”
Rhadan growled before power erupted from his hands and a white light impacted Gargo’s chest.
The dark dragon was hurtled backward and crashed into a shelving unit, knocking it over before he skidded to a stop on the cement.
Rhadan dashed to the office. “Come on. There are more dark dragons coming. He is stalling.”
“How can you tell?”
“It’s what I would do if I were him. His immunity to me is wearing off. Allorin knows his spells only mask my power. It does not make him or anyone else immune.” He picked her up, cradling her in his arms as he rushed to the door.
Gargo screamed. “Come back, Rhadan. We aren’t done yet!”
Rhadan barged through the door into the parking lot, then placed her on her feet. He backed away and shifted to his dragon form. Are you ready to fly again?
Tempest slid down the dragon’s wing and walked toward the cabin. She stopped when she felt the momentary pain as Rhadan shifted to his human form. She loved that he remained connected, allowing her to see and feel everything he did. What a miracle.
His hand slipped around her back, pulling her toward his muscular frame. Her fingers touched his thick thigh, and she tried not to focus on the fact he hadn’t clothed himself. There was no need, really. They were headed inside to sleep, and she couldn’t see him when using his eyes. The cabin had a single light on in the living room, but the remainder was dark. Mara and Legion had likely gone home to their private residence. She realized that Rhadan was probably the only dragon staying at the community cabin now.
She wasn’t sure why she resisted when he urged her forward.
“Tempest, is something wrong? We can’t return your circle to the temple until the morning. I am unsure if you are able to enter; we may have to have Mara complete that task for you. She fell asleep a half hour ago.”
“No. It’s not that. I can’t remember a time when I was outside this late at night. It looks different. More serene, somehow.”
Rhadan turned her toward a tall tree close to the cabin. “Look up there.”