Page 26 of Asa (Marked Men 6)
It was a busy Saturday night even without a band, but all the patrons seemed to be on their best behavior. There was one little squabble among some girls, but as soon as they saw Church making his way over to where they were causing a ruckus, they quieted down and went immediately into flirt mode. I stayed busy until midnight, when a scraggly-looking dude walked in looking strung out and shifty. I had the sinking suspicion he was here for Avett. He totally looked like the kind of scumbag that had no issue hitting women or asking them to steal from work.
He stayed just inside the front door and was twitchy enough that Church hovered close by. I was getting ready to round the bar and ask him what his deal was when Avett came barreling out of the kitchen and rushed to the guy’s side. He scowled at her and shrugged her off, all while hauling her body out the front door. I saw Church’s eyebrows snap down in a fierce V, and without me saying anything, he followed the young couple into the parking lot. At least we could stop the idiot from pounding on her while she was at work. I made a mental note to mention something to Brite. He was the baddest of the bad and anything he would have to say to his daughter’s loser boyfriend would be far more effective and terrifying than anything I came up with.
“Can I have another lemon drop, please?”
My attention shifted back to the smiling lady that had been sitting at the bar since ten. She was a tad bit older, probably in her midforties, but she was a looker. I wasn’t sure how much was natural versus how much was man-made, but she had an amazing face and sleek blond hair, and a look in her dark eyes that let me know she would like me to serve her more than a martini. I thought it was funny since she was with a guy that looked younger than me and he was bending over backward to keep not only her attention but her obvious wealth focused on him. He was glaring at me every time she tried to engage me in conversation, so of course I had played it up all night.
I smiled back, made sure to flex when I shook her drink, and kissed the back of her fingers when she handed me a twenty for a tip. I laughed under my breath when the guy turned beet red and looked like he was going to explode. She was a classy-looking chick, but I wasn’t into being man-candy, so I took her money and fucked with her boy toy for my own amusement. They weren’t our normal type of customer and I wondered where in the world they had wandered in from. I was going to ask but got distracted by a blown keg I needed to change and by a couple that thought they could walk out on Dixie without paying their tab.
I was tired by the time the bar was shut down and Church was getting ready to walk Dixie to her car. They asked if I wanted them to wait for me but I needed a minute to decompress. I had so much stuff floating around in my head: Rome’s offer, Avett’s crappy boyfriend, where my life really was going, and of course Royal. I hadn’t seen her since the hospital, but she was back at work now, so maybe that was enough to have her acting right instead of acting out. I didn’t want her to be all tangled up in my mind and my confusion, but when I closed my eyes to go to bed at night, I still tasted her winter-cold lips against my own.
It was after three by the time I hit the lights and locked everything up. I drank a couple fingers of scotch while listening to the Raconteurs on the digital jukebox before hitting the back door, then I shrugged into my coat for the walk home. I was lucky it was close because I really didn’t love Colorado winter weather. How February managed to be so much colder than either December or January still amazed my inherently southern bones. With my hands in my pockets I put my head down against the bitter wind and started across the parking lot. A soft feminine voice dropping really ugly swearwords brought me up short.
I blinked because I couldn’t believe she was back at my bar in the middle of the night. Once again in gym clothes and looking all too delectable. She was pacing in a very agitated manner and stopping to alternately kick the tire of her SUV and thunk her forehead on the driver’s window.
She jerked around when I said her name and gazed at me with dark and hypnotic eyes.
“I’m not stalking you.” She stiffened as I made my way over to her. She seemed automatically defensive.
“I didn’t think you were.”
She sighed and let her head roll back to hit the window. “I couldn’t sleep, so I went to the gym. That didn’t help, so I thought I’d stop and have a drink, then I remembered you don’t want me here. So then I had to sit in the car for a few minutes and decide what I wanted to do, but while I was doing that a really drunk girl came out of the convenience store over there.” She pointed to the little corner store across the street. “She was going to drive, so I had to go over and say something.” Her pretty mouth quirked up in a tiny grin. “I took her keys and waited until she got a cab, only as usual I left my purse inside the 4Runner along with my keys and phone.” She thunked her head back again and I wanted to reach out to pull her into a hug. “I locked myself out of my car.”