Page 31 of Asa (Marked Men 6)
He let go of one nipple and reached up to tunnel his fingers in the thick hair at the back of my head. He pulled me down over him until our lips touched. I sighed when his trapped dick twitched eagerly against my belly as he devoured my mouth, a skill that should be considered a weapon. No one kissed like Asa. At least no one I had ever kissed before. He kissed in a way that really felt like he was trying to make it the best kiss I ever had. He kissed like he wanted to make sure I knew whoever I kissed after him would never compare. He kissed me like he wanted to tell me things with his lips and tongue that he couldn’t say with words. It made my head fuzzy and my heart start to pound. It was also enough to have me unconsciously moving against him in need.
Sex wasn’t exactly something I had sought out before Asa. I mean, I was by no means a virgin, but I had learned pretty early on that sex tended to be way more about the guy than it ever was about me, and that never made me overly eager to strip down to get busy. I had dated a really nice guy for almost a full year while I was at the Police Academy, but somewhere along the line it had occurred to me that nice wasn’t enough to keep a relationship together, and even with him, sex had been pleasant at best. This wasn’t pleasant. This was hot, shiver-inducing, body-breaking levels of feeling, and not just the reactions from my body. My heart was racing. My mind was frantically trying to take in every single sensation and my lungs were burning from lack of oxygen as Asa continued to bite and suck at my mouth. He was trying to get me off just by kissing me and he was talented enough that he just might make it happen, but I had waited too long for this, had been thinking about being with him like this for too long, to not have him inside of me.
I pulled back, leaving us both panting and gasping in the dark. I reached out and found the edge of his nose and ran my finger along it, then up across one of his arched brows. “You were thinking about me in the shower?” My voice sounded wistful to my own ears.
He made a noise low in his throat, wrapped his arm around my back, and flipped us over so that I was sprawled out underneath his big body. He reached over me, which drove our hips together and had his cock pressing right where I wanted it between my legs. I heard a drawer open and then slam closed and the crinkle of foil as he tossed what had to be a condom on the pillow next to my head. He couldn’t really be as bad as he kept trying to tell me. Protection hadn’t even crossed my mind, and yet there he was once again looking out for my best interests without me asking him to.
“I’ve been thinking about you since the first time I saw you. I think about your eyes and your hair. I think about those long-ass legs and the fact that you have the nicest rack I have ever seen in my life.” I snorted at him but he wasn’t done. “I think about the way your ass looks in those tight skinny jeans you wear when you’re trying to get my attention. Then I remind myself that all of that comes with a badge and a gun, and remember why jerking off in the shower instead of taking you to bed is a far safer course of action for both of us.”
I stiffened automatically but he took one of the condoms, handing it to me while dropping his head so he could lick all across my collarbone. He nuzzled his nose against my cheek and then put his lips to my ear and whispered, “And yet here we are.”
I gulped a little as he lifted himself off of me by bracing his forearms on either side of my head. I opened the condom packet with my teeth and somehow managed to get it where it was supposed to go even though my hands were shaking like crazy. Suddenly I was wondering what I was going to do if this ended up being as lackluster as all the other times I had done it. It seemed really stupid to walk into the lion’s cage and tug on his tail without knowing the risk was worth it. Where was all that clarity up to this point?
I wrapped an arm across the broad expanse of his shoulder and another one right above his sculpted backside and whispered back, “Here we are.”
He left one arm arched over my head and lowered his other one until his fingers curled tightly around my thigh. He pulled my leg up high along his side and I felt just the tip of him prod at my entrance.
I saw his teeth flash in the dark right before he lowered his mouth back to mine. Against my lips he muttered, “Let’s hope we both make it out alive,” and then he kissed me in that soul-stealing way he had as he sank all the way into my welcoming body.
It was anything but lackluster.
I felt him everywhere, inside and out. His fingers dug into my flesh as his mouth moved, insistent and demanding against mine. It was almost too much. Too many sensations, too much feeling, too much anticipation. I felt my body respond with minimal effort on his part. All he had to do was touch me, slide in and out in the steady, strong rhythm he had set. I was already writhing, already feeling my insides quake as they tightened with contractions around him. I dropped a hand to one of the firm globes of his ass and dug my fingers in just to get a good grasp on something because reality was spinning away. This was most assuredly sex that was all about me. He was kissing me everywhere. My mouth, my neck, behind my ear, and all along where my pulse was racing at the curve of my neck. His hand that had been holding my leg up where he wanted it, left when it was clear I was going to stay splayed and arched just where he wanted me. It detoured to that hot spot right between my legs. At the first press of his fingertips on that sensitive nub I screamed his name. It was so loud it hurt my head, but it just made him chuckle into my damp skin, where he was nibbling hard enough to leave marks.