Page 19 of Ruthlessly Mine
“I’m not a brat!” I heard the whine in my voice and grimaced. As he continued, my body finally registered pain, fresh and raw and very real. Tears formed in my eyes but there was no way I was crying. I held my breath as he peppered a solid dozen. Only when the pain turned into agony, yet my pussy was so wet and slick that there was no doubt his jeans were soaked, did I finally offer an agonizing cry.
“That’s better. I think you’re beginning to understand the error of your ways. Ten more, then you can stand with your nose pressed against the wall.”
“What?” I managed to jerk my head around, glaring at him like he was out of his mind. “Fucking no way!”
“Uh-huh. Maybe I was wrong about learning your lesson.” He pushed my head down before starting again, the hard spanks going from the center of my buttocks to my sit spot and finally my upper thighs. Damn, he was good at this too. I wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably for two days.
And I didn’t care one bit.
* * *
What in the hell did I think I was doing? I took several steps away after I positioned her nose to the wall. The woman was beautiful with the biggest blue eyes I’d ever seen and the kind that could easily melt a man’s heart, as well as the silkiest copper-colored hair. She was definitely the one from the car I’d seen before, the same connection strong as ever.
But to spank her naked ass? I was asking for trouble. Something had come over me the second the clerk had called, warning me a hot-looking babe was snooping around. I had to be certain she hadn’t followed me from Miami. The tee shirt hadn’t given her away. Her look of hard-edged innocence had.
If there could be such a thing.
No, I couldn’t imagine her as a fair maiden and all I wanted to do was dominate her.
I ran my hands through my hair, hissing under my breath as I studied her reddened ass. I hadn’t spanked a woman in so long, I was tingling all over, my cock pinched next to my zipper. Fuck.Fuck!I was a lunatic. After this, she could call the local cops and have me arrested for assault.Way to go, fuckhead.
I didn’t even know her name. At least she also didn’t know mine, according to the nosy clerk anyway. She’d never asked. I headed for my bottle of whiskey, pouring a tall shot and swirling the liquid. Every nefarious thought I’d ever had centered around this woman. I had to have her. The question was, would she fight me?
Did I care?
The thought was damning but I had a sense about her. She wanted this as much as she wanted to breathe.
A dominating man.
A firm hand.
A hunger for total submission.
I could see through her easily.
“A little too early to be drinking, isn’t it?” she snarked, snapping her gaze in my direction.
“Face pointed to the wall or your punishment won’t be concluded yet.” The words just tumbled out of my mouth, as if I knew what the hell I was doing.
“Fine. Asshole.” The second word was as muffled as she could make it.
I took a sip and couldn’t help but smile. She was a feisty one all right, with a killer body and a mouth like a sailor. The combination was dangerous. “I think you must like being disciplined.”
“I do not, and you had no right. You aren’t my daddy.”
Daddy. The word kind of suited me, although I was a little young to take over the role. “No, but I am a man who doesn’t like liars, and you, my dear, are a natural born liar.”
“I am not! How dare you? You don’t know me or anything I’ve been through. I was just curious about you because… Because…” Flustered, her entire body tensed.
The girl was as turned on as I was. I licked the rim of my glass as I took a quick look at the huge wet spot covering a section of my jeans. The scent of her had driven me wild during the spanking to the point I almost slipped my fingers inside her sweet pussy.
“How the hell long are you going to keep me hostage?” she asked, huffing in a very defiant manner.
“Another cuss word. You’re racking up bad girl points.” I chuckled under my breath, fingering my belt. The thick leather would do nicely marking her ass, a solid reminder of her manners.
“Ugh! You’re… incorrigible.”