Page 25 of Ruthlessly Mine
“Hey, Pappy. Is there an event going on here in town?”
“There’s a big yachting event going on at the marina. Lots of the big names are in town. Why?” Pappy answered, and damn if he didn’t have a sly look on his face, especially given his Johnny-on-the-spot answer.
“Just checking. Different crowd tonight. Bigger.” I shrugged it off as if I didn’t really care but my red flags were raised more than normal. I was a keen observer of behavior, and this guy broke every mold.
“Uh-huh. Why do I have a feeling there’s another reason you’re asking?” Pappy laughed and pulled out his wallet, tossing three hundred-dollar bills on top of the bar.
“What’s that for? Your tab is only twenty-four fifty.”
He got to his feet before answering. “Doesn’t seem right the sexy bartender doesn’t get a huge tip now and again.” Winking, he slid the money toward me. “Remember, Crystal. Looks can be deceiving.”
I opened my mouth to retort but he was already whistling and walking toward the exit. I grabbed the bills, pocketing the difference, more than grateful for the boost in income. I hadn’t realized how late it had gotten and when the crowd started thinning out, I finally took a break and headed for the back door. The same stench remained from the night before, but for some reason it was easier to stomach, and within seconds I realized the mystery biker had indeed walked. There were two bars prior to getting here, although one was a true hole in the wall. He came all the way here just to see me.
Another moment of shame as well as desire bolted into my system. I had it bad for this man.
The rain was down to a drizzle, but a light fog had rolled in, masking the dank and dilapidated area. The intense humidity left a slick and damp feeling, the scent of beer and liquor staining my skin. I exhaled, grumbling under my breath before walking back inside. Tina stood near the walk-in, a befuddled look on her face. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re here again and with two other buddies.” She kept her answer whispered, as if the assholes could hear her.
“Fantastic.” They’d returned for their moment of revenge and I hadn’t asked the owner about purchasing a gun. Checking to make certain my cell phone was charged and in my pocket, I tried to act nonchalant. “Do you have any tables left?” The bastards had even waited until the cooking staff had left, leaving three women against five thugs. This night couldn’t get any better. However, I would call the police this go-around.
“One, but they’re just paying their bill.”
“Tell you what. I’ll grab their tab for you. Start cleaning up back here. I’m going to give last call. If you hear any sign of trouble, pick up the phone and call the police.”
Tina’s smile was tight, but the nod of her head held more confidence. “I can do that. Just be careful. Heard a lot of crap about them lately. They’re really wreaking havoc down near the beach.”
“I’ve heard all I need to know.” I held my breath and hesitated, but these boys were going to be dealt with once and for all. Swinging around the corner, I lifted a single eyebrow and walked right toward them. “Last call, fellas. What do you want?” The threeamigosand two new brutes were crowded around the end of the bar, almost blocking off the exit. Everyone had cleared the bar itself and there were three tables, none of which had the kind of people who could take on a gang. Even the sexy biker had left. The girls and I were on our own.
“Now, is that any way to talk to us, sugar?” Mark asked as he slithered next to the bar, his expression nothing but lewd. The others laughed, including the two I hadn’t seen before. Unfortunately, they appeared like theamigos’ muscle, standing a half foot taller, older, and more like enforcers.
Fear crept along my spine as I looked from one to the other.
Ignoring the comment, I slapped my hand on the bar top and leaned over. “You have one minute to place an order or leave. Up to you entirely.” Another table of customers left, skirting around the group as if terrified of a brawl.
“Seems the bitch needs to learn a lesson.” The tone was gruff, the words said with a snicker. The new guy folded his massive, inked arms, his eyes pinned directly on me. I’d call him Dickhead Number One. Dickhead Number Two was equally as ferocious, his position as lookout confirming this had been a planned retaliation.
“And here I told my buddies Chico and Pablo that you were a nice girl,” Mark chortled, as if I gave a shit about their names. The assholes laughed, Chuck and Ramrod strutting into the middle of the room. “I bet you taste real nice. Haven’t had pussy in a couple days.”
I sensed Daphne moving behind me, could feel her scattered breath on my neck. I held out my arm protectively. “Make certain everyone knows it’s last call. Then you can start closing up.”
“I’m not leaving you with those assholes,” Daphne said under her breath.
“I can handle them. Go.” I was glad when Daphne refused my order. She remained plastered just behind me.
“Listen to the bitch. She can handle us. I just bet you can, baby.” Mark burst into laughter, twisting his head until his gaze fell onto my crotch. “Think me and my friends are going to find out.” He had much more bravado around his buddies. Asshole. He was trying to prove a point. Maybe I’d have to as well.
Walking even closer toward Mark, I grinned, trying casually to ease the cell phone from my back pocket. “Thirty seconds. Time is ticking.”
“Look at the bumper kit on that babe,” Dickhead Number One chortled, pointing to Daphne’s ass.
“Crystal!” Daphne whispered, the single word choked.
Rage rolled from deep within, almost pushing aside the increasing terror. Almost.
“You ain’t gonna deny my friends a fuckin’ drink, bitch. Ain’t gonna happen.” Dickhead Number Two nodded toward the bank of liquor bottles. “And it’s gonna be on the house.”
The tension had increased in the room, the adrenaline rushing through my body creating a nasty headache.