Page 30 of Ruthlessly Mine
“Why don’t you come in. I at least owe you a beer or a drink. I have vodka, maybe some whiskey.” Crystal’s tone was softer. I’d passed the first test.
“I don’t want to bother you. I meant what I said, and I’ll stay out of your way.” I rose to my feet, walking closer until I was only a few inches away. As soon as I neared, her breathing changed, becoming more ragged.
She swallowed twice before pushing open the door. “You’re not bothering me. You protected my bar and my girls, which is a hell of a lot more than any of my regulars could do. Damn cowards. So, drinks are on me. Hell, I could use one, maybe more. Come on, Zorro. Let’s get you some dinner.” She flipped on lights as she walked inside.
I took another look over my shoulder before walking into her home and closing the door. I was doing nothing more than invading her space, but at this point, my actions were necessary. I’d bet my life on it.
My sixth sense was already in overdrive. And I didn’t like at all that she was this far removed from other people. I followed her into the kitchen, the space neat and tidy even though the appliances were older and the countertops worn. There was a warmth in the room, a touch of the woman herself crowded into every corner. I liked watching her, washing her hands and talking to the dog, grabbing his bag of food and filling his bowl. The kind of simple routine that everyone had in their lives.
Almost everyone.
“What would you like?” She held up two bottles of liquor.
“Whatever you’re having.”
“Screwdriver it is.” Her single gaze down the length of me was given with a slight smirk.
My cock was throbbing beyond acceptance, my balls screaming for relief. Fuck. I had to get her out of my mind. This wasn’t going to happen.
After preparing the drinks, Crystal didn’t ask me if I wanted to join her, merely walked out onto her back deck, moving onto another Adirondack-style chair. Zorro trailed behind her, flopping down at her feet. I walked to the door, feeling out of place.
“You can come and sit with me. You did fuck me after all.” She sighed and leaned her head back on the chair. “And spank me.”
“Truth is, you need another one for trying to take on dangerous men.”
“You mean like you?”
Damn, the woman was feisty. I chuckled and inched outside, glancing up at the still turbulent sky. The backyard was larger than I would have imagined, overgrown with no TLC, but a nice space. I moved toward the railing, leaning over and hearing a cracking sound almost immediately. “You need to have this repaired.”
Snorting, she took a swig of her drink. “Interesting comment for a man who probably put five dudes in the hospital and all in the space of five, maybe six minutes.”
As expected, I wasn’t into bullshit small talk, even though every ounce of me wanted to get to know her. “Just doing what I know best.”
“Is that really the case?”
Shrugging, I had no idea how to answer her.
“Violence, I mean. I can tell you’re trained, your skills are damn good. Martial arts?”
I felt another smile. “Nothing so formal, I assure you, but yes, I’ve been trained.”
“Military then.”
“They wouldn’t have me.”
Crystal swirled her drink until the ice clinked in her glass. “A mystery man. Let me see…” She laughed softly. “I know. A hired killer. Yeah, you’re some assassin for some bigwig. No, let me think. I almost have this.”
I dropped my head, thinking about the last time I’d told anyone about my profession to any degree. Years. If then. You never shared your shit and you never shit where you ate. Colloquialisms I’d never forget.
“Mafia. You’re the hitman for the mafia.” Her breath sounds were soft, almost like a purr. “I can see that in you. You’re the perfect badass. I bet the women love you though. What does your girlfriend think?” She darted a look in my direction, her eyes settling on the scar.
For the first time in ages, I slid two fingers across the rough edge, feeling more self-conscious than I had in a hell of a long time. Why did I care what this woman thought about me? I hissed under my breath, the longing for her increasing, now off the charts. “There is no one I’m tied to any longer, Crystal. I am on my own; however, I’m not a good man. That much you gathered.” The sexual tension between us was palpable, thick with longing that I hadn’t experienced before. My cock was aching to the point I’d need relief to some degree soon.
“Can you even tell me your real name?”
I moved the glass from hand to hand before answering. “I’m no one. Blade works.”
“Well, Blade, I’m no one as well. The world certainly wouldn’t miss me if I was gone. Just a blip ending. A puff of life. Nothing more.”