Page 38 of Ruthlessly Mine
I rolled onto the balls of my feet, every muscle straining as I shoved my cock harder. Faster. Sweat trickled down the back of my neck and both sides of my face and I panted like a true predator, ready to explode. Just as my balls fought to release, to fill her mouth with seed, I jerked away, hitting the edge of the counter then pulling her off the floor.
Turning her, she slapped her hands on the glass as I kicked her feet apart.
“You need another sound spanking. Don’t you?” I heard the grittiness in my voice and smiled seeing our combined reflection. Our hot breaths were already fogging the glass.
“Yes, sir. Always, sir.”
“Then I’m going to give it to you.” I smacked her ass, moving my hand back and forth, savoring the way she groaned from the power.
“Thank you, sir. I’m such a bad little girl.”
“Yes, you are.” I slapped her again, sliding from one ass cheek to the other. The heat on my hand was instantaneous, sending a shower of electric current all throughout my body.
“Ouch!” she murmured, her eyes never leaving mine.
The force of my hand rocked her onto her toes until she leaned further over, her face only inches from the glass. “You need this to hurt. That’s what you understand. Discipline. Punishment.”
“Uh-huh. I mean yes, sir.” Her expression was almost serene as I continued spanking her, every smack hitting her directly in the center of her bottom. We both needed this. We both craved this. Every hard strike brought a wave of electricity shooting through my muscles. As I alternated, sliding my fingers into her pussy then smacking her ass, I began to shudder. Her ass was the perfect shade of rosy pink, the heat now driving me crazy.
Giving her no time to react, I pulled Crystal off her feet, cradling her against my chest as I took long strides into her bedroom.
I fell across the bedding, almost crushing her from the weight of my body. She moaned as I yanked her legs over my shoulders, impaling her with the entire length of my cock. “I. Will. Have. You.” The words were nothing more than a strangled series of hoarse sounds, but I could tell by her expression she desired nothing less.
She clamped her pussy muscles, drawing me in even deeper and I threw back my head and roared, my pelvis shoving against her. The slapping sounds matched my primal noises as I pounded into her, skin slapping against skin, my heart racing. The hard fucking slammed the headboard against the wall, a reminder that I was nothing more than a brutal man.
“Yes. Yes!” she moaned, trying to meet every breathtaking thrust with one of her own. She palmed my chest, her fingers digging in and her chest heaving.
There was no way to stop the raging climax. As I lowered my head until our lips were only centimeters apart, I exploded deep inside, the intensity shaking every inch of my body. And still I didn’t stop, driving harder as her nails cut into my skin.
My guilty conscience snapped back, ripping me away from the sweet fantasy. What in the hell was I doing to her? Shit. My mind was muddled, uncertainty clouding any sense of judgment.
“Oh…” Her eyes closed as I slowed and the sweet smile on her face was my reward. “You are so…” She brushed two fingers across my lips, her entire face glistening.
I could fall far too deep into this woman. This submissive.
My submissive.
* * *
Humidity hung in the air like a vise grip, almost suffocating in its power. I adjusted my shades after wiping sweat out of my eyes and stood glaring at the repair shop. The building was certainly nothing to look at. Shingles had slipped from various sections of the roof, either dangling from a single nail or hitting the bent and rusted gutters. The worn wooden siding hadn’t seen a paint job in a solid ten years, if that. Sections were rotten and even from almost a block away, I could see daylight circulating through several areas.
Shaking my head, I glanced up and down the street. Since Crystal had dropped me off two blocks from the motel at my request, I’d had the distinct feeling of being watched. There was no way of telling given the abundance of commercial operations or the number of cars zooming up and down the four-lane road. However, my instinct was never wrong. I was prepared, the Beretta strapped just inside my boot, and the knife in its usual location. If the fuckers wanted to come after me, so be it.
The stench of oil and gasoline assaulted my nose as I walked into Decker’s Garage, eyeing my Harley sitting in the same location as when she was wheeled in. The scene pissed me the fuck off. Yanking off the shades, I shoved the earpiece behind the edge of my shirt, tamping back my anger. The four mechanics in the shop stopped what they were doing, all giving me a respectful nod. My guess is that they’d heard about the incident in the bar. I strolled toward the makeshift office, smacking my hand on the already open door. Dwayne Decker wasn’t much to look at, but I’d gathered from our previous conversation that he at least knew what the fuck he was doing.
As long as he wasn’t trying to shaft me, we’d get along just fine.
Startled, Dwayne jerked his head in my direction, a worried look actually disappearing into a curled smile. “Hey ya, man. Glad you came by. Forgot to get something from ya yesterday.”
I threw a look over my shoulder before walking closer to his desk, one of the old kinds from the fifties or sixties, all banged-up metal. “The parts?”
“Well, see, I forgot to mention I need a deposit before I can order them. Won’t take long. They’re sittin’ in a warehouse the next town over. Driver comes by here every coupla days.” He sniffed and rose to his feet, hiking his ill-fitting jeans further up on his hips. He was covered in grease, his face marked with black.
A deep exhale was about the only thing I could do short of berating him in front of his mechanics. I hadn’t realized I’d fallen back in time. This was still Charleston, or at least I thought. “How much do you need?”
“Oh, six hundred oughta cover it.” He took a solid look, his eyes sweeping up and down just a few seconds too long for my comfort.
“How much for the parts in totality?”