Page 40 of Ruthlessly Mine
“That was me two years ago. Some badass crap in Philly. Ain’t into that no more. Shit killed my brother.” He took another puff before tossing the cigarette, blowing out the smoke before rising to his feet, nodding in the direction of Dwayne’s office. “The dude’s terrified of the asshole running the Desperados. Can’t say I blame him.”
“Who is he?” I cringed just hearing the words.
He snickered and sauntered closer, kicking his rubber-soled shoe against the broken concrete. “Used to be involved with the MS-13. Dude got frustrated and started his own organization.”
“And that means exactly what?” I wasn’t certain if the kid was trying to show off or find out what, if anything, that I knew.
“Means he’s got some power, man. The Salvadorian has tight connections with some Miami cartel. Heard they’re gonna take a run straight down the coast, sweeping all the shit bangers into the ocean. I will tell you this, he’s a bad dude. You cross him, you’ll never see the light of day again. If ya hear what I’m sayin’.” His eyes gleamed as he was providing the information.
An implied threat? The kid had no idea who he was messing with. A single cold shiver slithered down my back. There were no coincidences in life. The Salvadorian was likely the dude Diego was pissed about. Fucking perfect as usual. Of all the freaking cities I could have landed in. “Interesting. I’ll take it under advisement.” I shoved the sunglasses onto my face and didn’t bother giving him a second look, but I noticed him out of the corner of my eye.
And I had a feeling the kid was going make a phone call or two.
That shit didn’t bother me in the least. What did frost my ass was the information the kid hadn’t realized he’d supplied. Or maybe he was a plant. Either way, timing would need to be escalated.
“Name,” I commanded.
The kid knew I didn’t mean his. I wanted the source. He shifted back and forth from foot to foot more than once, finally closing the distance. “You didn’t hear this shit from me.”
I remained quiet.
He yanked out another cigarette and I could see his hand shaking. “Ricardo Francisco. They call him The Sickle. The fucker is sick.”
I didn’t need any explanation for the weapon of choice. Farm instrument. Crescent-shaped blade. The knife made a killing statement. The name also sounded familiar, as if I’d heard it in passing. There could only be one reason why. If Sanchez had tentacles reaching this far up the coast, I’d be forced to stick to my original plans. By this time tomorrow, I’d be on the road heading west.
But not without saying goodbye.
A tug at my heart made me snarl, the desire significant. However, there was no choice. I couldn’t give a damn about her. Not now. Not ever.
“Do you ever work?” At this moment, I was happy Jessie wasn’t working. I was restless and had been since dropping Blade off not quite at his shitty motel. The man had been almost sullen since leaving my house, refusing to tell me any other details. I’d finally given up trying to figure the man out, or the real reason he was in town. There was always a reason. Being able to lie on a float in the middle of a pool on a gorgeous, sizzling afternoon was spectacular and more of a treat than I was used to. Even though relaxing wasn’t on the menu. I lifted my sunglasses, squinting from the bright sun.
“Of course I work, goofy. I can take a day off every once in a while. Quit complaining.” Jessie walked into the water, dunking under.
If only I could land a place like this. One day. When my ship came sailing in—from another planet. My thoughts drifted to Blade once again, and I shivered, no matter the heat or humidity. He’d been so dominating, so aggressive in his actions, taking me to new heights of extreme pleasure and… I could almost feel him still buried deep inside, the weight of his massive body pushing hard against mine. Sighing, I allowed my hand to slide up to my neck, rubbing the slight red spot he’d created.
The splash was more like a wave, rocking the float until I almost slipped off the big pink floating flamingo. Jerking up, I growled at Jessie as she stood in the shallow end and far away from where I could wring her neck.
Jessie lifted her shades, leaning her head forward. “Hey. What exactly did you do last night? Nice hickey.”
“I didn’t do anything. You know I had to work.” Now, I was self-conscious, trying to maneuver the float so my eyesore was out of her viewing pleasure.
“What happened after work, girlie?”
“Nothing. I mean, not really.”
Swimming closer, Jessie hovered just off to the side. “Come on. Is this your mystery man, date-not-date?”
“No! I haven’t talked to him since that night.” I was surprised Carter hadn’t even tried to call. Wait a minute. Maybe he did. I suddenly realized my chore for the afternoon was purchasing a new phone.
“Then what? You have a glow about you today and don’t think I didn’t notice the marks on your backside and thighs.” My bestie was giggling like a schoolgirl.
I could still see his face the moment I slid his cock into my mouth, the way his lips curled and the way his eyes rolled into the back of his head. I was hot all over, forcing me to slide into the water. Resting my head on the float, I contemplated what I should even tell her. Maybe Jessie could talk some sense into me because I wasn’t certain whether to believe I was in serious danger or not. I tried to keep my voice even, devoid of any emotion when I asked the question. “Remember the biker we saw?”
“Mr. Hottie? Who could forget?”