Page 43 of Ruthlessly Mine
The word had gotten around. Stay. Away.
I parked smack in front of the building when I pulled in, terrified some knife-wielding man would confront me in the parking lot. I’d called the owner of the bar and after several exclamations of anger and hatred, he mentioned he’d drop off a ‘passel of weapons’ to keep behind the bar. At least I’d taken the generous tip Pappy had given me and purchased a new phone. I’d also packed a bag, ready to grab it and Zorro and then head to Jessie’s.
What I couldn’t wrap my head around was the fact I might not see Blade again. We didn’t and couldn’t exchange phone numbers and he’d have no idea where I’d gone. I also hadn’t asked him how long he was staying, but my guess was a day or two at the most. And going by the motel? Not what good girls did.
I laughed, at least inside. I was no longer a good girl after that rousing night of passion. I had to make myself all right with that or I’d find a way of asking him to stay. That, I didn’t want to do.
“Crystal. Are you okay after last night?” Pappy asked quietly, as if the joint was bugged. He was leaning over the bar, his expression stern.
I lifted a single eyebrow before grabbing his Budweiser and sliding it across the bar. “I’m fine. You know I’m a big girl.”
“Yeah, but I also know you’re no match for the Desperados.”
“Let’s make a deal tonight,” I said a bit louder so everyone who wasn’t concentrating on what-the-hell-ever basketball game was on would hear me. “No talk about the Desperados. If they come in, theywillbe escorted out.” Although I hadn’t worked on that plan at this point.
“O-kay, and I’m willing to help in every way I can.” Pappy gave me a serious look before lifting his shirt and exposing the gun hidden in the waistband of his jeans.
“Pappy, I adore you and one day you’re going to have to tell me your real story. The happy-go-lucky retiree ain’t cutting it.”
A grin popped on his face. “You’re one smart cookie.”
I patted his hand, more than thankful the older man had my back. Would it be enough? I also had to wonder whether I’d have a waitress tonight, especially since Tina had called in sick and Carl? Well, I had my opinions on why he hadn’t even bothered to call in. Grousing wasn’t going to help the situation.
When the door opened and Daphne walked in, I wasn’t certain if I was relieved or ready to tell her to go back home. I gave her a nervous smile as she walked past, her eyes darting back and forth across the bar. It wasn’t even dark outside, and everyone seemed nervous.
“Any sign of them?” she asked after dropping her things in the back.
“How did you get home last night?”
I certainly wasn’t going to tell my waitress anything. “Just like always. After Blade threw them out of the bar, he walked me to my truck and waited until I left. Safely. By myself.”
“Blade, huh?” Daphne asked, winking. “I certainly hope he shows up again tonight. Nice to have him around. Big brute and all.”
“I honestly do too.” Nice wasn’t the word. However, I certainly couldn’t dwell on the concept. Brad was scheduled to come in later, and if he didn’t, I was determined to close up early. I’d follow through with the rather ridiculous plan to head to Jessie’s one way or the other.
What I didn’t expect was to see Carter walking through the door, carrying flowers no less. When he headed straight for the bar, I was taken aback even more so as the entire place shifted their attention. A wave of heat and dots of perspiration appeared and all for the wrong reasons. I needed to tell him that what we’d shared was nice but never happening again, but not here. Not now.
“Carter. What are you doing here?” I’d never felt so uncomfortable in my life. The warm flush creeping up along the sides of my neck turned into a violent bloom sweeping across my face. Images of our date floated to the forefront of my mind, only to be kicked aside by the heated sexual event shared with Blade.You aren’t a couple. You aren’t together.The thoughts did nothing to hide my embarrassment.
Shrugging, he walked closer. “I should have called you. Heard you had a little trouble last night.”
News certainly traveled fast in town. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I’d changed my number along with getting a new phone. The decision had been on the fly, my gut telling me it was the right thing to do. I’d switched numbers only twice before, both times fearful of my ex. This time? Something else entirely. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.” There was such an awkwardness between us, as if we were kids in school after one unsuccessful date. I noticed Daphne grinning from the side, her thumbs up after scanning the length of Carter’s body creating a weird vibe in my head. I concentrated on the flowers, studying the lovely but wilted single rose in the mixed bundle and in my mind the sad bouquet was the perfect symbol for what would never be a viable relationship. “You didn’t have to bring me flowers.”
“A lady shouldn’t have to go through something like that and it was the least I could do.” He held out the flowers, a sheepish expression on his face. The man was very sweet, but I could never see him as anything but a friend and nothing more.
“They’re lovely.” The aroma was akin to gasoline vapor. He’d spared no expense, purchasing the bundle from a local street vendor.
“Glad you like them. I wanted to talk to you. Do you have any time?”
I was squirming in my boots, totally unprepared for any kind of conversation, especially if it included where we were going in the future. “Honestly, not now. I have a lot of work to do.”
The creaking of the door hinges drew my attention, keeping the heated blush dampening my skin. Another regular strolled in, whistling some Aerosmith tune. Grateful for the distraction, I waved, a knot forming in my throat. My nerves were almost akin to guilt. Why? Maybe because I’d never dated more than one guy at a time. Until I’d fallen in love with jerkoff of the year. Well, that was never happening again. Love was off the table.
What about full and total submission?
I resisted rolling my eyes, shushing my ugly inner voice.