Page 6 of Ruthlessly Mine
I’d just inserted the key into the driver’s side lock when I heard the sound. I was always on edge, mindful of the any lurkers hanging around on the fringe. The bar was off the beaten track, more of a local hangout than anything else. Hair stood up on the back of my neck as I twisted my head to the side. There were several ancient lights surrounding the area, even a streetlight illuminating the now empty parking lot, but the ominous shadows created several nasty connotations in my mind. Swallowing hard, I opened the truck door as quietly as possible, tossing my things inside.
The sound was closer, raising my hackles. An odd outline passed over one of the lights, forcing my attention back to the parking lot. I could swear I noticed the silhouette of someone running at full speed and headed in my direction. Refusing to become a victim, I jumped into the cab, jamming the key into the ignition. “Don’t fail me now, baby girl. I need you.” My old Toyota had seen better days and when the engine chugged, acting as if it wasn’t going to turn over, I thought of every ridiculous horror movie I’d ever seen.Come on, you bitch. Start.
Trying to keep my wits, I made certain both doors were locked and counted to ten, my eyes sweeping the entire area. A glint caught my attention, and I noticed that something was rolling in my direction. Now, near panic almost settled in. “One. Two. Three. Start.” As the engine roared to life, I jammed the gear into drive, yanking the steering wheel then hitting the accelerator. Tires squealing, I floored the old girl as I neared the exit, able to glance in both directions at an empty street. The truck jumped over one side of the curb as I rolled out, speeding off.
Every inch of my body was shaking, my heart racing as I glared into the rearview mirror every few seconds. If the mother fuckers believed they were going to scare me… I couldn’t even allow the thought to finish. If their reputation proved to be true, theamigoswould be revenge-seeking assholes and I had a terrible feeling I hadn’t seen the last of their wrath. The streets were almost empty, and I surpassed the speed limit by a significant amount on my way home. At least I’d left several lights on.
As soon as I opened my truck door, I heard the wonderful sounds of my dog barking. The very first thing I’d done after finding a house was rescue a puppy. Relief flooded through every muscle in my body as I grabbed my bags, racing toward the front door. Zorro greeted me as he always did, his paws on my shoulders, his tongue licking every inch of my face.
“Baby boy. I’m so happy to see you too.” My huge black lab had no idea just how much I was glad to be home, especially tonight. He was the most loving creature I’d ever known, but given his aggressive bark and his size, he was intimidating as hell. Any would-be attackers would think twice if Zorro was on the loose.
I was still shaking as I let him out the back, standing with my arms folded, scanning the perimeter as if I expected the boogeyman to jump out of the darkness. Why did the assholes bother me so much tonight? I honestly didn’t have the answer and had never really felt fearful of the neighborhood. I adored the little house, no matter that the appliances were old and the siding needed to be replaced. This was mine alone. Well, a rental, but one day I’d be able to afford a house. I had to admit, at least tonight that I wished I had closer neighbors. The street was on a dead end, a juggernaut of older houses in a less fashionable neighborhood. The majority of folks were in their sixties, certainly in bed long before three in the morning. If I screamed, it was likely that no one would hear my cries of despair.
Or come to my rescue.
“Let’s get back inside, big boy. Both you and Mommy need a treat.” As he scampered back inside, I kept my hand on the screen door, listening for any wayward sounds. I felt certain that no one had followed me. I also doubted theamigoshad any idea of where I lived. There wasn’t any listing in the phonebook since I didn’t have a landline and Jessie and Carter were the only two people, at least up to this point, who’d been to my house. The only reason Carter had been allowed inside was to perform various maintenance duties as allowed by my lease.
A trusted man. And the single reason I’d accepted his request for a date. While Zorro didn’t consider Carter his best buddy, the discerning pup had never attacked him either. Another vote of confidence.
Exhaling, I locked everything down tight before refreshing Zorro’s water. Time for a huge drink to calm my nerves. “How about some hot dogs? Would you like that, baby?”
Zorro woofed his appreciation, his tail thumping against the linoleum.
I shoved four into the microwave before fixing a tall screwdriver and while he ate, I jumped up on the kitchen counter, sipping then guzzling my drink. Within seconds, tears began to fall, sliding down until they dropped to the floor, one after the other. I almost never cried, rarely if ever allowed anyone to see any emotions. I’d learned the hard way years before to tamp them back, to pretend everything was just fine.
I feared my iron mask was slipping, allowing the bitter anger and sadness to creep back inside. That couldn’t happen. Not now. Not ever. I wiped my eyes furiously, sucking in several hard breaths as my inner voice tried to be soothing, telling me that everything was going to be all right. Yes, I’d saved a few thousand dollars, but I had no other significant skills in order to get a better job. Hell, I’d been lucky the owner of the bar had taken pity on me, giving me a waitressing job after I’d bugged then begged him for it. Six weeks later, I’d been promoted, allowing at least a certain amount of stability.
A laugh pushed past my lips. A broken-down truck. A broken-down house. A broken-down life. I was all alone, with no family and few friends. At least Zorro loved me unconditionally.
“You’re pathetic, sunshine.” Another laugh bubbled up from my throat and I lifted my glass as Zorro sat back on his haunches, licking his chops. “To the most pathetic girl in all of Charleston.”
“Thank you very much, big man. I don’t need your affirmation on top of this crappy day.” His goofy face made me laugh, a much-needed release. “Okay, let’s get you a real dinner then Mommy is going to take a bath.” After that? I had a date with my sexy new spanking book, a real paperback I’d purchased from a recent yard sale. The thought was tasty. You never knew what went on behind closed doors.
I was on my second screwdriver when I moved into the bathroom, filling the tub with hot water as well as a sprinkle of foamy beads. There was nothing better than taking a bubble bath; well, other than a heated round of sex.
And maybe a hard spanking.
Jesus. I’d made plans for a single date and now I was craving discipline? Where had that even come from? From my darkest desires. For all the badassery that I allowed to be seen at the bar, the inner girl was entirely different, longing for a dominant man and one with a firm hand. I’d never really understood that side of me, or maybe I just ignored the woman inside. I certainly shouldn’t feel that way after my experiences with… Nope. I wasn’t going to think about the lunatic asshole and ruin the rest of my night.
After peeling off my clothes and tossing them in the dirty hamper, I made faces at my reflection, twisting and turning as I studied my body. “Ugh.” My copper-colored hair seemed dull in the fluorescent lighting. Even my skin had a sallow look, as if I’d been sick for a very long time.
Huffing, I held my hands under my breasts, squeezing until the slight pain made me moan. They were full, or what a couple of men had called ‘more than a handful.’ My nipples were a deep rose in color and rock hard when excited, although that had been a while. I stuck out my tongue, realizing I wasn’t entirely certain just how long. I hadn’t even masturbated in months.
Maybe tonight was the perfect night. Just to get ready for the date. Blowing a kiss at my reflection, I hunkered down, searching through the cabinet, hunting behind the cheap can of hairspray and deodorant until I located my waterproof vibrator. The velvet bag was matted, the gold rope frayed, but I wouldn’t trade this baby in on a Hitachi. Giggling, I flipped the switch, shocked there was any oomph left at all given its lack of use. This was going to have to do since my last four batteries had been slapped into one useless flashlight.
Zorro had already found a spot on my bed, his back legs quivering in his sleep. Comforted, I eased into the nearly scalding water, the purple passion joystick in my hand. My favorite sex toy had been in my tattered suitcase during the move, one of few reminders I’d once had another life. I sank further into the suds, closing my eyes and trying to relax. Flicking the switch, I rolled the nubbed end against my chin, enjoying the massaging effect.
I planted my feet on the edges of the tub, leaving a wide space between my legs. I slid my hand over my pussy, fingering my clit. Even the way the hot water sloshed against my pussy left me with tingles. I dragged the vibrator down from my neck to the swell between my breasts. The sensations were electrifying, forcing a slight moan from my mouth. I kept my eyes closed as I swirled the tip around first one nipple then the other until they were fully erect, standing proud. I longed for a man to pluck and twist them until I cried out in pain.
Visions of the man who filled my fantasies floated into the back of my mind. I could almost see his rugged face, carved with high cheekbones, a wide forehead, and eyes that drew me in like luminescent pools. Almost. I eased the vibrator between my legs, pulling the shaft up and down over my clit. I could almost hear his deep voice, commanding me to undress and stand in front of him naked so he could inspect every inch of my body. His property. His pet.
“Mmm…” The thought was truly wicked. Turning the vibrator onto high, I pushed a few inches inside, allowing the whirling action to drive me to a delicious state of nirvana.
“Come here, pretty pet,” he demanded, his fingers dancing down my arm.