Page 67 of Ruthlessly Mine
Against my better judgment, I rolled into the parking lot, easing the gear into park and allowing the engine to idle. I’d heard a new report on the radio, the police actively looking for members of the street gang who’d all but scattered into the wind. I wondered how much of the report was true. The series of bombings seemed out of character for the Desperados, but I didn’t know Ricardo in any manner. I’d racked my brain trying to put pieces together from conversations with Diego, but at this point, nothing jibed.
After opening up to Crystal, talking with her had been easier. At least she’d confided into me everything she knew, including about the man she’d dated once, the same one she could have sworn she’d seen just before the bomb went off. There were too many strings dangling, like legs of a black widow spider. Spending time with her had only pushed away the inevitable, but I would cherish the passion no matter the outcome. If she remembered issuing the words of adoration, she hadn’t mentioned them and neither had I. But they’d affected me profoundly.
I swallowed thickly, feeling my throat tighten. I squeezed the steering wheel, the skin tightening over my thick knuckles a distinct reminder of the internal rage. Anger for following my gut. Anger for not following my heart. At least I’d left her with a gun, as well as the burner phone. I was already itching to call her, make certain she was all right, but I had other things to do.
Including hunting Carter Garris.
Cutting the engine, I carefully opened the door. There were some residential properties nearby, but I doubted anyone was paying attention. Still, stealth was important. I walked around the entire building, even trying the back door. There was no way to get inside and no reason to bother trying. Every minute I was out in the open was a minute too long. The Desperados would no doubt have a sentry on the lookout just in case I came rolling back into town.
After climbing into the truck, I glanced across the seat. The phone was just within reach. One phone call and I would put the original plan back into motion. I fingered the thin plastic, allowing a few fond memories of being home to filter into my mind. She’d always told me I had a place to come to, but that had been before joining the ranks of the cartel. Would she shun me now? Hell, I would. I had no right to invade her life or her safety, but I had nowhere else to go. I missed my sister more than I’d allowed myself to admit. I also missed my parents, but certainly never expected to see them again. I’d made my life choice. I closed my eyes, willing away the exhaustion.
Until I heard the single crack of broken asphalt being crushed under a shoe. In a flash, the gun was in my hand, cocked at the asshole who’d crossed my path. “I’d hold it right there if I were you.”
“It’s just me, Blade. Pappy.” The aging man moved into the dim lighting, holding his hands in the air. He was dressed casually as usual, but I was able to notice the outline of his gun. It appeared he was on duty tonight.
“Back away.”
He nodded, taking two strides backward as I climbed out of the truck. If he was bothered by the weapon in my hand, I couldn’t tell. He was cool as a cucumber, which unnerved the hell out of me.
“What are you doing here? How did you know I was here and who sent you?” I kept the gun pointed at his head as I darted glances in both directions, searching for what could be backup.
“I didn’t. I live just over there. Not that anyone knew that. I saw the headlights and wondered who the hell was bothering the crime scene. Glad I ran into you though. I think we need to talk. I want to help you.”
Help. I had no reason not to trust this man, but I also had no undue reason to risk Crystal’s life. I could take care of her on my own. The churning in my stomach had turned into full-fledged apprehension. “I’m not certain what we have to talk about or what kind of help you can give me.”
“Well, from where I stand, son, you have few choices. Someone figured out who you are and they’re hunting you. You’re a wanted man.”
“What are you talking about?” Yeah, I knew I was wanted, but how much did Pappy actually know?
“Erik Chenault, aka Blade, a soldier in the Sanchez cartel out of Miami. Wanted for the ruthless killing of a casino owner in the heart of the city. Also wanted in connection to a good dozen murders. Politicians. Prominent businessmen. All of them men Sanchez wanted to overthrow. You’ve been a busy boy over the last few years. The bounty on your head is well over five hundred thousand dollars.”
The way the old man spouted off the information was interesting.El Hefehad decided to turn the tables, allowing law enforcement to hunt down a wanted murderer, counting on the fact I wouldn’t last a day in prison. ForEl Hefenot to exact his own personal brand of revenge meant he had his hands full. Or this was a neat and tidy ploy. “What else do you know and why are you really here?”
Pappy inched closer, darting a look over his shoulder. “Too many ears. Why don’t we go to my house, grab a beer?”
“I’m not thirsty. Tell me what else you know.” I shifted the barrel of the gun closer.
Pappy sighed. “What I know is that you have people looking for you and I’m not talking about the Desperados. I don’t thinkEl Capitangives a shit about you, at least at this point, but given you’ve been linked to the organization, it won’t take either Mr. Francisco or Mr. Sanchez long to figure out you had a hand in all this commotion.”
“The Feds want Diego. Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I figured you knew. What you may not know is that every law enforcement agency south of the Mississippi wants to cut down both operations before this opioid crisis gets any further out of hand.” Pappy seemed frustrated when I remained silent. “I’m working undercover with the Feds as well as the local police department. There’s a big shipment of drugs coming into the harbor day after tomorrow. From various sources, we’ve heard that Diego Sanchez is planning his own brand of a coup, if you get what I mean.”
“Taking over the Charleston operation.” This made more sense than anything. I still had red flags raised. The man could be fishing, working with either side.
“Exactly. As you can imagine, this may be the only opportunity we have of taking both of them down at the same time. The problem is, the Desperados have ears everywhere, including in the Charleston Police Department. We have no idea who’s dirty, but we have a few candidates.”
I watched his facial expressions, unable to determine whether he was lying. “What do you want with me?”
“I told you the truth before. You’re a solid guy. We know what you did for your brother.”
The ace of spades was just played. “And what do you think you know?”
Pappy dared to inch closer, his eyes never leaving mine. “That you saved his life and in turn were forced to perform certain… services.”
Bristling, I was surprised that a bead of sweat had found its way creeping along the back of my neck. Not a good sign. “Let me guess. The Feds want me to testify.”
Sniffing, he kicked his heel against the pavement. “You’re a smart boy. Doing so will mean your freedom. Full exoneration from all crimes. You testify, and you’ll get that new life you want so badly. We’ll be able to take down all the major players. Arrests at the harbor during when the drugs come in then your testimony will solidify all the evidence against both the Sanchez cartel as well as the leader of the Desperados. The little pipsqueaks who work forEl Capitanhave no clue what to do without their leader. What do you say? A taste of freedom?”