Page 9 of Ruthlessly Mine
Avoiding making any noise, I glanced back out the window. We were only three blocks and one traffic light away. I wanted to get this night the hell over with.
“I won’t tolerate betrayal of any kind. None. I can’t have it for my organization.” Diego’s statement was clear. There was a rat in the family.
“I understand, sir. I feel the same.” I cringed just saying the words.
“I know you do. You’re like a son to me, Erik. You’d done very well for me. Very well indeed.”
I felt his cold stare, could almost hear what he was thinking.I own you.Sadly, the man did, and I’d accepted the role, even though I knew all those years ago what that would mean. “Thank you.”
“But the man who risks crossing me will pray for death.” Chuckling, he polished off his drink and adjusted his jacket before running both hands through his hair.
The man preened in front of anyone who would take notice. He also loved grandstanding to anyone who would listen. “Let me do a sweep.” There were dozens of people coming and going into the front of the Casablanca Casino, the area far too easy for one of Diego’s enemies to get a clean shot. We parked in back, only inches from the door. I climbed out, surveying the perimeter as I walked the area. I didn’t like the fact we didn’t have backup tonight, but given Diego’s penchant for the woman inside, he wasn’t prepared to give any additional fodder to the soldiers.
I snickered every time he came to see the blonde-haired actress, as if the entire city of Miami hadn’t figured out the infamous Diego Sanchez was having a torrid affair with her, including his wife. This was the way of things. When I was certain the alley was clean, I moved to the other side of the limo, opening the door. “Clear.”
Diego plastered on a smile and carefully stepped over the ugly cracks leading to the door. There were no paparazzi, no welcoming committee meeting him in a rat-infested back alley, but appearances were certainly everything. He offered no instructions and I said nothing else.
Both the driver and I were expected to wait.
And we did.
That is, until I heard the distinct sounds of a gun being fired, two shots only, muffled but distinct enough. I reacted, yanking out my gun and tossing open the door, racing inside. The weapon was locked and loaded, two additional ammo clips in my breast pocket. I knew every inch of the casino, every bathroom and every clandestine ‘special’ suite. I shoved my way past both employees and customers, taking long strides. I’d calculated the time it would take me to get to the suite prepared forEl Hefe. Twelve seconds had passed. One second too long.
No one stood in my way or tried to stop me. Screams could be heard seconds before a single additional shot. Now, I was pissed. As people started running from every direction, heading for the exit, I powered through, seeing the coward aiming for another shot. Tuning out everything but the job at hand, I pulled the trigger. The man went down with a hard thud.
As I moved further inside the suite, I was able to see the blonde actress cowering in the corner, Diego comforting her, blood seeping through his crisp white linen jacket. There was also another girl still in the room, frozen, her eyes glued to the assassin. She was no doubt a dealer given her black and white attire. I had no time to deal with her. At least the shot had been clean, catching the asshole between the eyes.
“Oh!” the blonde screamed, clawing at Diego.
“I need to get you out of here.” I reacted, grabbing Diego and covering his body with mine.
“Don’t leave me!” the blonde demanded.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Diego said absently, hissing under his breath.
The blonde shouted various obscenities as we left. We were in the limo and leaving the scene before we heard the first siren. No one would remember that Diego Sanchez had even been at the casino, including his lover. They knew better than to open their mouths.
* * *
I was aware that the hit had been placed on Diego and as expected, this wasn’t some random attack. The traitor had to know he was going to be at the casino, which narrowed the suspects down to three people. The actress. The owner of the casino. And myself. Even the limo driver had no advance knowledge. I stood outside Diego’s office, trying to keep my cool. Yet my thoughts shifted back to his statement regarding betrayal.El Hefecertainly enjoyed retaliation, especially for snakes in his operation. The only thing I knew for certain was that I had nothing to do with the hit.
Although the thought had crossed my mind on several occasions. I hated the man with a passion, loathed everything he stood for. One day, I’d see the light leaving his treacherous eyes. Fucking bastard. I resisted snarling from the thought, clenching my fist until my fingers ached from lack of oxygen.
There was no mistaking what was going on behind the double doors. One of the other three parties was being beaten to shit, no doubt by Breaker and one of the others. Whatever Diego did to the blonde, I would bet she’d have a difficult time getting work on the screen again. That is, unless the casino owner confessed.
When the doors were opened, I wasn’t surprised that the beaten and bloodied man was being carried out, his feet dragging and moans coming from his mangled mouth. The poor asshole had lasted longer than I’d thought he would. Guess I was next.
“Erik.” Diego’s voice was smooth, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.
I walked inside, giving Breaker a nod. My buddy had a smile on his face, as if he’d just won the lottery.
“Sir,” I said with respect as I moved into the center of the room. At this point, I had no idea what to expect, but clearly Diego remained shaken from the earlier incident. Maybe I was the only one who knew him so well. I even kept a file of sorts regarding the man’s weaknesses. Just in case…
“You both can leave,” Diego said to the others.
Breaker winked as he headed for the door, wiping blood from his face. The other soldier I didn’t know, and the man didn’t bother giving me a look. This was just another day at the office. When the doors were closed, I did everything I could to keep my cool.
Diego turned around slowly. There was no outward sign he’d been shot, the bullet coming dangerously close to his heart, but there was a nervous tic that seemed to take over his entire face. He narrowed his eyes as he closed the distance, gripping my shoulder. “You saved my life. I’m eternally grateful.”