Page 67 of If We Say Goodbye
“My dad will pick me up. We’re going to go see a movie.”
“Oh, that’s right.” He steps out of the car. “Well, I’m still going to get something to eat. Besides, maybe I’ll learn something.”
Maybe having him tag along isn’t the worst idea. He could act like a buffer between Sadie and me, making sure we stay civil.
When we walk in, Sadie points to the booth in the far corner. “That’s the best spot for us to study. That way I can see if anyone walks in or needs anything.”
“Could I get a menu?” Caleb asks.
“Sure,” Sadie says, handing him one.
As we start to walk toward the table, she pulls on my jacket, forcing me to fall a couple of steps back. “Why’s Caleb here?” she whispers.
“He drove me,” I say.
“You guys seem to be getting close.” She winks.
I roll my eyes. “It’s nothing.”
“Are you sure? It doesn’t look like nothing.”
“Maybe you should get your eyes checked.”
She over exaggeratedly blinks at me. “I’m pretty sure my eyes are fine. Besides, I can tell when you like something, and I’m pretty sure you likehim.”
“Be quiet,” I hiss.
She bites her lip to try and stop her smile. “Oh, I’m right.” She looks over at him. “You two look cute together. Your kids would look even cuter.”
I cover her mouth with my hand. “What’s wrong with you?” I say, my cheeks turning an ungodly shade of red. “It’s not like that. You’re reading into things.”
She narrows her eyes and pulls my hand away from her face. “Am I though?”
“I like Caleb as afriend. That’s it.”
She crosses her arms and hums knowingly.
“You’re embarrassing me,” I say. “Let’s go study.”
She raises an eyebrow, giving me a look. “You can’t fool me.”
I ignore her and walk to the table. I sit across from Caleb because, if I sit next to him, Sadie will flip.
Her math book is already on the table and open to the next section. She slides into the booth next to me, stealing glances between Caleb and me.
I keep my focus on the math book, smoothing the worn pages. “How did the last assignment go?”
“I got a B minus, which isn’t bad.”
“That’s really good,” I say.
She sighs. “Well, I have a massive test soon to make up for everything I missed last semester, and I only know like twenty percent of it. At this rate, I’m screwed.”
“No, you can do it,” I say. “We’ll just go over one section at a time, and before you know it, you’ll understand everything.”
“I hope you’re right,” she says.
We spend about two minutes studying before a customer walks in, and Sadie has to jump up.