Page 83 of If We Say Goodbye
Caleb thrusts his hand out to stop himself from colliding into the dash. “You took the five feet suggestion very seriously.”
Heat rises to my face, and blood pumps through my body like lightning. “Yes, yes I did.”
He chuckles. “Do you want to switch now?”
I nod, stiffly. My eyes are still forward, and my arms are still stretched out, keeping me as far from the steering wheel as possible.
“Are you going to get out?”
“Then you might need to move your arms,” he half laughs.
I have to force my arms to relax, bending them as if they were made out of steel pipe. I turn to him slowly—only just now processing what I did. A smile cracks across my face. “I drove.”
His grin is huge. “You did.”
* * *
“This is Jimmy’s house,”he says as we walk through the front door. There’s soft music coming up through the floorboards.
“Shouldn’t we knock and wait?”
Caleb shakes his head and slips off his shoes. “They wouldn’t hear us. It’s fine, I promise.”
I follow Caleb through the hallway toward the stairs leading to the basement. As we descend, the music grows louder. There’s a glow of orange light that seeps up the stairs. With each step, the light becomes brighter.
I’m tempted to put my headphones on now to muffle the sound, but I wait, knowing I’m going to have to introduce myself. As soon as Caleb’s foot hits the ground, the music stops, and a guy comes running up to him from across the room.
“Hey man!” he says, wrapping one arm around Caleb’s neck, forcing his head down enough to mess up Caleb’s hair.
Caleb elbows the guy. “So, this is Jimmy.”
Jimmy lets him go and straightens, wide eyed, looking directly at me. “Since when do you bring girls to practice?”
“I didn’t bring girls,” he says with a laugh. “I brought a girl.”
I wave. “Hi, I’m Becca.”
Jimmy’s mouth drops open, and he turns to Caleb. “Becca? LiketheBecca?”
Caleb nods, and his cheeks turn pink.
Jimmy shoots a glance over his shoulder toward the other boy sitting across the room at the drums. “Caleb brought Becca.TheBecca.” He says it like I’m famous.
“Chill, man,” Caleb says.
Jimmy covers his mouth, but I can still hear him clear as day. “You didn’t tell me you scored your dream girl.”
“We’re just friends,” Caleb says.
“Well, in that case,” Jimmy says, taking a step toward me. “Let me properly introduce myself.”
Caleb blocks him. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”
Jimmy spins on his heels. “Jokes,” he says, walking away.
“That’s what I thought,” Caleb says.