Page 98 of If We Say Goodbye
She waves me down. “I’m recording a video for Grandma. You can’t say no.”
I do the most reluctant and awkward twirl in the history of mankind, dipping slightly at the knees and turning with tiny steps.
“I love it!” she says, putting the phone away. “Show me the shoes?”
I pull the dress up enough to uncover my high tops.
“Didn’t you buy some shoes for the dance?” she asks.
I tap one of my feet on the ground. “These are the ones I bought.”
Her lips twist to the side. “Don’t you think formal shoes would look better?”
“I like them,” Caleb says. “They make the outfit more . . . Becca.”
I chuckle. “Thank you.”
Mom sighs. “Okay, well, it might take a minute, but they’ll grow on me.”
“That’s good because I’d rather go barefoot than wear heels.”
She wrinkles her nose, then nods in determination. “You know, sneakers are sounding a lot better all of a sudden.”
Caleb laughs behind us.
A beeping noise comes from the kitchen.
“That’s the lasagna. Caleb, do you want to stay for dinner?” she asks, peering over her shoulder at him.
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” he replies.
“Where did Dad go?” I ask. “I wanted to show him a new show that just came out.”
Mom’s eye twitches ever so slightly. “He just left for a business trip. He won’t be gone long.”
My shoulders sag. I know he’s not really on a trip. “And he didn’t say goodbye?”
“It was last minute otherwise you know he would’ve.” She leaves to turn off the timer.
My head drops. My heart stings from Dad’s avoidance. “I better change because I guarantee I’ll stain this.”
Caleb circles his hand around my wrist. “Wait.”
He steps closer staring down into my hazel eyes. “I want to tell you something.”
A shy smile covers my lips. “What?”
His head dips and he kisses right behind my ear. “You’re beautiful,” he whispers as his warm breath tickles my skin.
While I stay perfectly still and collected on the outside, there’s a romantic girl buried deep inside me that can’t help but freak out. She’s giddy and speechless.
“Hey Caleb, dinner’s actually in here!” Mom calls from the kitchen.
The way my jaw drops. “Mom!”
Caleb’s face turns bright red, but he laughs it off.