Page 33 of Dare to Rock
Grey had had enough. He stepped into Tyler’s personal space. “Listen carefully. I may let you get away with the occasional insult because I know I brought this shit into her life.”
“Not to mention how badly you hurt her when you left? Who do you think picked up the pieces? The same people who are going to have to do it when you bail on her again.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said through gritted teeth. “I’m serious about your sister, and you’d better get used to it. In the meantime, I’d appreciate it if you’d use your expertise to help keep her safe.”
Tyler eyed Grey warily, but Grey thought he caught a hint of admiration in the man’s gaze when he didn’t back down.
“Fine. I’ll do my job and keep an eye on you at the same time,” Tyler said.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less. Now, you mentioned anxiety.”
Tyler straightened his shoulders. “Not my story to tell.”
Grey inclined his head. He wanted to hear anything about Avery from Avery. “Can you at least tell me if I should let her know about the crazy fan?”
Tyler blew out a harsh breath. “I’m torn between honesty and whether or not this will put her over the edge.” He paused in thought. “Tell you what. Send me the e-mail, and I’ll shoot you one back with the information I need in order to dig into who sent it. Let me get to work on the e-mail and look into her blog. If I find out we’re dealing with someone seriously unhinged, I’ll let you know, and we’ll change tactics.”
Grey nodded. He was clearly in the dark about Avery in ways he hadn’t expected. He needed to trust her brother’s judgment.
“I hate lying, even by omission,” he said, his voice low. “But I don’t want to freak her out either.”
Tyler ran a hand through his hair, which was slightly longer than a military cut. “I know. I don’t want her blindsided, but I also don’t want her under a crazy amount of stress. Not until we see how badly this current band-breakup news is going to get for her. So we’re agreed?”
He nodded. “Agreed.” He extended a hand, a peace offering of sorts toward Tyler.
Tyler shook his hand. “Doesn’t mean I like you, Kingston.”
“Understood.” Grey didn’t need anything more from Tyler than for him to know the facts and help keep Avery safe.
Tyler glanced toward the bedrooms. “Tell Avery I’m running out to buy supplies to get her locks updated. I’ll be back to install and let her know who’ll be watching her six.”
Grey respected her brother’s ability to pull together all the safety features Avery needed. “I will.”
Tyler eyed him hard. “Keep her safe.”
That went without saying, but Grey replied anyway. “Will do.”
Tyler headed out, slamming the door shut behind him, leaving Grey alone with the knowledge that he’d done more harm than good by returning to Avery’s life. At least according to her brother. What mattered was what Avery thought, and his chances with her had always been shaky.
Now? He had no idea what he was up against. All he could do was make sure she felt the depth of his feelings for her and believed that if she was with him, she’d be protected and safe... and hope for the best.
Avery couldn’t stand sitting around her room any longer. Ella got busy blow-drying her hair. She wouldn’t discuss Tyler, just saying that Avery’s brother had always been controlling, annoying, and a pain in the ass. Avery agreed, but she still sensed more brewing and couldn’t begin to understand their dynamic. And why hadn’t she picked up on it sooner? Meanwhile, her brother and Grey were in the other room discussing God knew what, and she’d had enough.
She swept into the room, only to find Grey staring out the window and Tyler nowhere to be seen. She took in the stiff lines of Grey’s broad back, the way he braced his hands on the windowsill and looked down, lost in thought, and wondered what had been said between these two men in her life.
“Hey. Where’s Tyler?”
Grey turned, his concerned gaze meeting hers. “He took off. Said to tell you he was going out to buy better locks and he’d be back to install them. He’ll also be in touch about who he picks as your bodyguard.”
She stiffened at the reminder of how much her life had and would change if she persisted in this relationship with Grey. No matter how short term, the tumultuous existence that followed him would become hers as well.
“Come here.” Grey beckoned with a crook of his finger, and damn her, she walked over, as if pulled across the room by an invisible string.
He braced his hands on her waist, deliberately lifting her top and touching her bare skin. His palms seared like a hot brand on her skin. Her nipples tightened, her sex clenched, and need swept through her, all rational thought and concern disappearing at his touch.
“We need to talk.”