Page 62 of Dare to Rock
No sooner had he walked into the man’s office than he was ambushed. Both Tyler and Scott Dare awaited him, and though he wanted to believe it was because they were co-owners of Double Down Security, he braced himself for them to gang up on him about leaving Avery. Which wouldn’t be fucking happening.
“Gentlemen,” he said as politely as he could manage, his hands in tight fists, his muscles strained.
“Have you seen the morning paper?” Tyler asked without preamble.
“Online or print,” Scott added. “Either one will do.”
Neither man seemed pleased, and Grey grew even more agitated. “No.”
Tyler walked around to the big screen on his desk and turned it to face him. “Someone’s playing dirty.”
Grey skimmed a variety of headlines that had been pulled up on all the gossip sites and online newspapers with Grey’s name jumping out from them.
Tyler zeroed in on one article and pulled it up for reading. Grey stalked over. Bracing his arms on the desk, he leaned down and skimmed long enough to get the gist. Allegations and speculation that Grey Kingston hadn’t written or even cowritten songs on his famous collaboration with Alden Mills.And if he hadn’t written those, what had he really contributed to Tangled Royal?
Grey saw red. If Simon were in front of him, he’d take a swing first, no questions asked.
“Breathe out,” Scott told him.
Grey listened, pulling in much-needed air. “Is that why you called me over? To show me my manager’s effectively killing any kind of writing career before it starts?”
“No, we’re calling you to tell you we found the widow,” Scott said.
“This is icing,” Tyler muttered, pointing to the computer.
“Shut up,” Scott muttered to his brother before turning his eerily Avery-like eyes on Grey. “As far as I’m concerned, jury’s out on you until you prove yourself with my sister. This jackass over here”—he gestured to his brother—“he doesn’t know what it’s like to be in love. Youarein love with her, right?”
Leave it to a Dare brother to put his cards on the table. “Yes, I love her.”
“Hearts, flowers, who gives a shit? The fact is—” Tyler began.
“My relationship with Avery is my business, not yours,” Grey said. “I’ve already told you you can trust me with your sister’s welfare, and you can. The rest is not up for discussion unless it involves keeping her safe.”
Scott eyed him with respect. Tyler ignored him.
Grey could live with that. “I hired you to do a job because I have to shut Simon down,” Grey said. “What did you find out about Mills’s widow?”
“Dawn Mills is in seclusion in the mountains. To contact her, you have to leave a message at the town store. They wait for her to come down and give her messages. Then it’s up to her whether or not she returns them.”
“Sounds great,” he said sarcastically.
“Yeah, but we started that process on your behalf,” Tyler said.
Grey nodded. When it came to the professional, he knew he could count on the man. “Good. Keep me posted. Is that all?”
“No,” Tyler said. “The longer my sister lives with you, the more chance she’ll end up emotionally invested and hurt.”
Grey shook his head. “You’re so determined not to trust me. I think it’s time you took a harder look at yourself than me.” Grey stuck his hand out for Scott.
The other man shook it.
He merely nodded at Tyler. “You need me, you know where to find me.”
He needed to get home so he’d be there when Avery returned. Because she was what mattered in his life right now.
With her ever-present bodyguard, Rick, by her side, Avery picked up Ella from the airport. Rick drove her car, and Avery chatted with him from the passenger seat. When she got past his business personality, she liked the man. But he always kept an eye out for danger, which she appreciated. Not that she anticipated any issues. Simon causing Grey trouble seemed to be the main thing going on at the moment. Avery was no longer the flavor of the month, for which she was grateful.