Page 15 of Off Limits Daddy
She plucked out another card and handed it to me. "I’m going to give one to your foster dad as well." She looked at me. "Same thing. If you hear anything or discover anything that could be important, please give me a call."
I took the card and sent up a silent prayer that I wouldn’t need to use it. "How about we show good manners and we show agent Marsden out?" I stood, setting Aiden on the ground.
We followed her out of the kitchen and into the living room. As we reached the front door, everyone in the living room looked up, curious eyes upon us.
"I wish you all a Merry Christmas," Agent Marsden said.
Oliver picked himself up off the floor, where he'd been playing with his girls and Brett’s son Grayson, and started to the door. "Is everything okay? Do I need to worry about Lindsay or the girls?"
"As I said before, I'm not aware of any concerns right now. But if you happen to hear anything or see anything suspicious, I hope that you will give me a call."
She didn’t give him a card, which suggested he already had one.
Oliver nodded, and while he didn’t seem relieved, I got the impression that he trusted her. At some point, I was going to have to get the full scoop on what went down with Oliver and Lindsay and Agent Marsden.
Agent Marsden walked out the door, and I fully intended to shut the door behind her. But I couldn’t tamp down the urge to follow her to her car. I told myself it had to do with wondering if our meeting at the gym was by accident or on purpose on her part.
"Aiden, why don’t you go play? I'm just going to make sure Agent Marsden gets to her car. Okay?"
Aiden nodded and joined the other kids in the living room.
I headed out the door and down the steps, catching up to Agent Marsden as she reached her car. "How long have you been following me and Aiden around?"
She looked up at me, her brows drawn together, partly in curiosity, but there was an edge to her expression that suggested that she thought I was nuts. "I haven't ever been following you and Aiden around."
"So, back in the sauna…"
Annoyance flashed across her face. "I didn't know you in the sauna, remember?"
I leaned a little bit closer to her. "You're the FBI. Don't you guys go undercover and pretend to be who you're not?"
She arched a brow. "Do you think I was pretending?"
The image of her riding me hard and fast until I thought my head would explode flashed in my mind. "Hell no. I got you off, Agent Marsden. Of whatever is going on here,thatI know for sure."
She didn't seem shocked or offended by my comment. "If I remember correctly, I got you off. Now if you don't mind, it’s a long drive back to Boston."
All of a sudden, I didn't want to let her go. There was something about this woman that was electric. My gaze drifted to her lips, and I had the insane urge to kiss her.
As usual, she arched her brow as if she knew what I was thinking, but I couldn't tell whether she would accept my kiss or maybe shoot me.
Finally, she turned and opened her car door. "I hope you understand the potential gravity of this situation. It is very possible that Aiden witnessed a murder. Is he in counseling?”
"Isn't counseling confidential? Even if he did say something?—"
"I'm sure we can all agree that if Aiden revealed that he'd witnessed a murder, the counselor would feel compelled to share that. I also ask that if you see anything or hear anything suspicious, you'll let me know."
I nodded because it occurred to me that I needed to focus on what was best for Aiden and put aside these crazy push and pull feelings I was having toward Agent Marsden. It was weird how I could be extremely annoyed and turned on at the same time.
"I'll do whatever it takes to keep Aiden safe."
She gave me a nod.
"How did you know how to do all that when you were talking to him?"
Her brows drew together. “I’m an FBI agent. I know how to question?—”
“I meant Aiden. Not everyone can talk to kids.”