Page 35 of Off Limits Daddy
Duncan smiled uncomfortably. “Sweetheart. I know you’re upset about this situation, but I’m sure they had no idea about Wally.”
Realizing I was about to blow my cover, I nodded. “You’re right, honey.” I turned to the director. “I’m sorry. I just… to think of what Aiden went through. And you’re right, I know about his case. I know he could be in extreme danger. How lucky it is for him that he has us? And of course, we feel so grateful to have him.”
“So it isn’t a case. It is a coincidence?”
“I believe Aiden was put in my path, just as I believe Duncan was. I met Duncan before you even placed Aiden with him. And you brought Aiden's case to the FBI.” I nodded to Ms. Thomas. “It feels like destiny, doesn’t it, honey?”
Duncan squeezed my hand and looked at me in a combination of relief and gratitude. “It sure does. I’m the luckiest son-of-a-gun alive.”
Ms. Thomas had a sweet smile at the idea of Aiden and Duncan and me being together as some sort of divine destiny. I might've rolled my eyes at the absurdity of it except that I was playing a role. I wondered if I'd always been this jaded or if it's something I developed once I joined the FBI? The question was whether Area Director Racine was as jaded? It still struck me as odd that she’d intervene, except maybe Ms. Thomas was right. Maybe the fact that he was a witness warranted extra eyes. Whether that was out of concern for Aiden, or perhaps worry about a PR problem if it was learned that they’d been placing foster children with a member of the Crew for years, I couldn’t be sure. Both made sense to me.
“It’s our job to make sure Aiden is safe and cared for,” Ms. Racine said.
“He is,” Duncan assured her.
Ms. Racine sniffed and turned to Ms. Thomas. “It appears that he’ll have all he needs.”
I wanted to call out Ms. Racine, telling her Aiden had all he needed with just Duncan, but the point of this visit was to keep Aiden with Duncan, and challenging the woman who could take him away wasn’t a good plan.
Ms. Racine turned to me. “You know, these papers are legal documents.”
I was no lawyer, but I didn’t think it was against the law to fill out foster care paperwork even if I didn’t want to be a foster parent. As long as I gave accurate information, I didn’t see this being a legal problem.
“Of course.”
“If this is part of some FBI operation, we can work with you on that,” she pushed.
“If this were part of some FBI operation, I’d be meeting with you, not showing up undercover as a fiancée.” I gave her a look that I hoped would make her feel foolish for thinking such a thing could happen in the FBI.
She sniffed again. “I guess I see your point. Since Aiden has become an interest with law enforcement, I hope you’ll keep us apprised of the situation. We could place him out of state…”
Duncan tensed, his hands fisting at his side. “No.”
I took his hand and squeezed to keep him from upsetting the director. “I know you don’t want to do that. Aiden’s safety and emotional well-being are your priority. Being with Duncan—with us—is what he needs. Don’t you think, Ms. Thomas?”
She glanced at her director, as if she was nervous about saying the wrong thing. But then she straightened. “Absolutely.”
“Wonderful. I’ll leave you to it, then.” Ms. Racine exited the office.
She was why social workers had a bad rap on TV and movies, I thought as I took the paperwork and filled it out. As I entered my information, consented to background checks, and signed my name, my guilt around lying to Aiden lingered, but morethan that, I was determined to make sure Duncan was able to adopt the boy. I didn’t want any chance of Ms. Racine deciding Aiden needed to be placed with someone else. There was a lot I didn’t know about Duncan, but I had zero doubt that he was the best parent for Aiden.
I'd had some weird days in my life, most of which took place when I was in college, usually under the influence of something. But this afternoon was proving to be the strangest day of my life. I discovered my son was still drawing violent pictures. My fake fiancée kissed me in a way that felt very real. Said fiancée seemed to go into FBI mode, interrogating my social worker when she was supposed to be helping me to keep Aiden. When the director walked in, I thought for sure that Veronica's comments were going to lead to Aidan's removal.
You didn’t seem to mind having them used by Wally Creighton. Holy hell, had she really said that to the director? Thank fuck, Veronica realized her error and reined her FBI persona back in. But it might have been too little, too late. The director appeared to sense our deception. Why else would she bring up the legality of the paperwork to Veronica?
In Veronica's car heading back to the house, I replayed the events of the afternoon, hoping that the director had beenplacated and that she wasn't currently trying to figure out how to take Aiden from me.
"Are you all right over there, Slick?" Veronica cast me a glance and then turned her eyes back toward the road.
"Just processing what happened."
"You're a constant source of surprise to me. You're built in a way that suggests you should be a bull in a China shop, yet you’re gentle, and today, you were quieter than I’d have expected."