Page 48 of Off Limits Daddy
Frankie’s eyes darted around the bar as if he was looking for eavesdroppers. "It's possible that I'm out of Chardonnay."
That wasn't a no, but not a yes. That meant it was a possibility. I was on the right track but Frankie wasn't sure.
"Wally Creighton killed Jonny after the deed was done."
Once again, he shrugged.
“Is there anyone else Wally is worried about giving him up?” I thought of Aiden, but also Oliver and his family.
“Still not sure if I have chardonnay.”
Hmm. “Would anyone here know? Who can I talk to?”
Frankie shook his head. I had to admit, he was loyal in protecting his patrons.
“Is there anything you can tell me that would help me find Jonny or protect others from Wally?”
"I'm sorry, but I'm out of Chardonnay."
I walked out of the bar knowing more than when I walked in, but not by much. My hunch was that I was moving closer to the answers, but I still didn't have any proof.
That evening,I arrived back at Duncan’s and as I entered the house, I heard music and laughter coming from Duncan. It was a happy baritone sound, and it drew me to him.
I found him and Aiden in the living room. It was decked out in gold stars and other New Year's decorations. Duncan and Aiden stood in front of the large screen television wearing gold top hats and gold New Year’s glasses as a dance game played and they attempted to follow along. I watched, impressed at how well Duncan moved. He wasn't built in a way that suggested grace, yet he definitely had moves. Next to him, Aiden wasn't so bad, either.
The song ended and I clapped. The two of them turned, and Duncan gave me his signature smile.
"I'm impressed,” I said, still standing at the entry to the living room. I wasn’t sure why, except I didn’t want to interrupt their time together. I wasn’t really a part of them.
"You're being kind."
"I didn't see you as the type to buy dancing video games."
"I’ve had the system for a while. I bought it when Lindsay was little, and she chose the game. I have some others, but Aiden and I thought we’d test this one out. Isn’t that right, Aiden?"
Aiden had drawn closer to Duncan, but he looked up at me. "I like the driving one better."
Duncan laughed. “Me too, buddy." Duncan lifted his gaze to mine. "You want to give it a try?" He held his controller out to me.
My initial reaction was to say no and either return to my room or the office to work. But something else, something stronger, encouraged me to stay.
I walked into the living room. "Why not?"
For a second, Duncan's eyes widened, clearly expecting me to decline. But then he smiled. "Here you go, Agent Marsden. Show us what you've got."
I took the controller and looked down at Aiden. "Will you dance with me?"
He gave a nod. I scrolled through our musical choices, selecting one that was labeledEasy.
"Are you ready?"
Next to me, Aiden stood staring at the TV, his controller in his hand and ready to go.
I pressed the play button, and the music started, along with the image on the screen to show us how we were supposed to move. I followed along, careful not to bump into Aiden or hit him whenever I had to step or move my arms.
"I think we've been hustled, Aiden. Agent Marsden appears to be an old pro at this."
"I wasn't always a dull girl." I completed the song, and then Aiden and I high-fived. My heart did a little shimmy to see his sweet face in a semi-smile.