Page 63 of Off Limits Daddy
But as I pulled out of the garage, waiting until it closed again before I drove away, I pushed Duncan and his proposal out of my head. Today, I had a killer and kidnapper to find.
Was I asking too much of Veronica? Maybe. Probably. I was being selfish, wanting her comfort when I should have been thinking about Aiden. But having her in my arms was a small piece of heaven in the middle of hell. And so, I proposed a situation in which I could indulge in her without her feeling trapped. Without expectations.
After Veronica left for work, I returned to Aiden who was drawing in a sketchbook, his brow furrowed as he concentrated on his drawing. For a split second, the world outside this room—the threats, the danger—melted away. We were just a father and son at home.
I knew I wouldn't want to be locked in my home forever, but as the day wore on, I relaxed in the safe bubble I created for me and Aiden. We spent a few hours learning, and then we had lunch. We played games, and for exercise, I brought him to my home gym where I taught him how to wrestle.
Afterward, I sent him up to his room to change while I worked on dinner. My phone vibrated on the counter. Checking the caller ID, it was Veronica.
"I'll be working late tonight." Her voice carried the clipped tone that always made me feel dismissed. "Don't wait up."
I tried to keep my voice even. "No problem. We're good here."
The line went dead before I could say anything else. A twinge of disappointment settled in my chest. No doubt, she was second-guessing last night and wanted to make sure it didn't happen again.
I scraped my hand over my face at what a fool I was. She was right, I was too sensitive when it came to her. Her tone probably had nothing to do with me. She's an FBI agent, for fuck's sake. She was risking her life to keep me and Aiden safe. She had more important things to think about than whether or not she was going to spend another night in my bed.
But somewhere deep down, where hope tangled with doubt, I couldn't help but wish she'd take me up on my offer. It wasn't just about wanting her close. It was about the way she steadied me with her presence. In the moments when she wasn't distant, the moments when she was soft and caring. I needed that. I needed her.
Aiden and I ate dinner and afterward watched TV. I remembered my discussion with Veronica about how to stay safe in the event something happened.
"Listen, buddy, remember when you said your mom used to say, 'Batman' to tell you to go to a safe place?"
Aiden looked up at me from where he sat next to me on the couch, his little face looking worried.
"Well, I was thinking we should do the same. Just in case."
He just stared at me, making me feel completely inept. I needed to tell him I'd be his protector no matter what, not telling him he might have to run and hide.
"I'm sure we'll be okay, but it doesn't hurt to have a plan. Is Batman a good word? Should we choose another one?"
He shook his head and looked down. God, I felt helpless.
The clock ticked on, and Aiden eventually yawned.
"Looks like it's time for bed."
We went through our evening routine. I pulled the blankets up to his chin to tuck him in.
"Is Veronica getting the bad man?"
"She's working on it, buddy. Until then, you and I are safe here, okay?"
He turned over and closed his eyes. I wondered if he was losing trust in my ability to protect him.
After tucking him into bed, I wandered through the quiet house, checking the locks and the security system. Then I headed to my office, checking emails and reports, letting Brett know what I'd reviewed and thanking him again for picking up the slack.
Emotionally drained, I headed to bed. I put on my lounge pants and lay down, noting that Veronica's scent lingered, teasing, taunting me.
Turning off the lamp, I settled into bed, but sleep eluded me as it often did these days. Instead, my mind circled back to Veronica. The woman was an enigma. Strong and hard, and yet she could be soft. She said she was always driven, but I felt a guardedness from her, like she wanted to keep people out. Or maybe it was just me.
I wanted to know more about her. Everything about her. I hadn't had a woman draw me in like she did. Ever.
But it was clear that she was in a different place in life. She was all about work. I'd been that way at her age, nearly twentyyears before. Jesus fuck. Was I really that much older? That alone should have me staying away. But I was a selfish bastard. She didn't want what I wanted, family, but while she was here, pretending to be my fiancée, protecting Aiden, I wanted whatever pieces of herself that she was willing to give.