Page 83 of Off Limits Daddy
"Grovel? Why would you want to do that?"
“Because I love you, you big galoot,” she snapped with exasperation.
“Huh?” I had to have heard her wrong.
“You heard me. I still want my career, but I also want you and Aiden and this baby. Have you changed your mind about that?"
Maybe it was the drugs that made it difficult for the meanings of her words to filter through. "You said that you didn't want?—"
“Yeah, well, I changed my mind. How about you? Do you still want to see where this thing with us goes or have you changed your mind? Are you back to thinking I’m not what you and Aiden need?”
She stared at me. “I’m sorry, Duncan, but no to what? No, you don’t want to see where this thing with us goes? No, you haven’t changed your mind? No, you’re back to thinking?—”
“I’m sorry, Veronica. I’m having a hard time keeping track of what you’re saying.” I rubbed my temple. “I haven’t changed my mind about wanting you.”
She sucked in a shuddering breath. "Okay. Good, then."
For a moment, we stared at each other. This moment seemed like a good thing, yet I wasn’t quite sure.
Because I love you, you big galoot.
A smile spread on my face. “I love you, my warrior angel.”
The tension in her face eased. A smile curved her lips. God, she was stunning. “I’d just like to point out that I said I love you first."
I reached my hand up to cup her face. “I won’t ever forget that.”
She tilted her head, closing her eyes and leaning her cheek into my palm. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I didn’t realize what I had until I almost didn’t have it.”
“I’m afraid I’m dreaming.”
She kissed my palm. “This is real, Duncan. Isn’t it?”
“The first time I saw you, something inside me attached to you. From that moment on, I’ve been wanting to be with you, to know you, to love you. This is real.”
She leaned over, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. “Hurry up and get better, Duncan. You need to come home so we can start this life that you promised me and Aiden."
I grinned until my face hurt. “God, Veronica. You’re my dream come true.”
She kissed me again.
Finally, I had everything I could ever want.
Three weeks after Duncan was shot by Julia Racine, I sat next to him and Aiden as we watched Oliver and Lindsay join their lives together in matrimony. For the money that Oliver and Lindsay’s father had, the ceremony was quite small. Intimate. Perfect.
Duncan had only been released from the hospital a few days ago, and I wasn't sure he should be out and about. But he told me that there was no way he would miss the wedding of his goddaughter, Lindsay.
"There was a time when I thought the closest thing I'd have to a family was Brett and Lindsay. Then I got Aiden. And now I have you and the baby." We were lying in bed, his hand on my belly. I'd rested my cheek against his chest, listening to the beat of his heart. Had things gone wrong, I wouldn't be able to hear his heart again. I was given another chance to make things right with Duncan, to have my dream and love in my life.
At the wedding, we watched on as Oliver and Lindsay exchanged vows. I wondered if someday, Duncan and I wouldbe standing in front of a group of family and friends and joining our lives together. It was amazing to me how much I wanted that. Not so long ago, I was so sure I didn’t want marriage and family. I didn’t want to feel stifled, held back. But with Duncan and Aiden, I discovered that love doesn’t do that. Love supports and helps you be more.
After the ceremony, there was a reception. Duncan wasn’t yet one hundred percent after his ordeal, so I left him with Brett as I went to the catered buffet to get food for us. Aiden had run off to play with Grayson and Oliver and Lindsay's triplets. Aiden could still be shy and withdrawn, but he was opening up, especially with Grayson and the triplets.