Page 152 of Wings So Wicked
Suddenly, I did not know my name at all, only the words from his lips. The way he spoke it was the only way I wanted to hear it for the rest of eternity.
Pressure built inside me all over again, and I knew then that he would send me over the edge.
So I let him guide me there, his perfect, divine body giving me everything I didn’t know I needed.
My soul kneels to yours.
But in that moment—as Wolf roared in release along with me—my soul did not just kneel.
It bowed.
When morning came, I wanted nothing more than to wrap myself in Wolf’s scent and drown in it.
“You never talk about him,” Wolf stated, his finger trailing the side of my face as I blinked my eyes open.
He swallowed. “Lord.”
I sat up in bed, pulling the sheets with me. I had slept better than I had all week, nuzzled in Wolf’s arms until the sun rose. Even then, I didn’t want to leave. There was a certain safety in Wolf’s arms that I couldn’t find anywhere else.
But this conversation quickly pulled me back to reality. I had mentioned his name to Wolf once, weeks ago.
And he remembered.
“There’s not much to talk about,” I replied. “I’ve probably already said too much, actually.”
“Come on,” Wolf said, tucking a stray curl behind my ear. “You don’t have to be like that with me. Not anymore.”
I tried to look away, but Wolf stopped me.
“It’s complicated,” I breathed.
His thumb brushed over my cheek. “I can tell. He’s the one who gave you those scars, is he not?” Dark shadows flashed across his eyes, but he quickly recovered.
“It’s not what you think.”
“Isn’t it, though? He hurts you, Huntress.”
“He saved me.”
Wolf stilled, waiting for an explanation.
I knew I could tell him the truth, but this? This was something I had never told anyone, not even Rummy. She had pieced it together herself, sure, but I didn’t tell her the intimate details of each lashing.
Each punishment.
Each praise.
I was pathetic. I knew I was. I wanted nothing more than Lord’s approval, and I would do anything to please him.
Everything in my life, I owed to Lord.