Page 55 of Wings So Wicked
I didn’t have time to question why I was here or why I couldn’t remember anything before this moment. The battle grew closer and closer to the inner city.
I needed to run.
Run or die.
I staggered backward, forcing my lungs to suck in air as I ran down the dark streets. Others ran with me, and cries of panic filled the air.
Run or die.
Run or die.
Run or die.
I ran as fast as I could until I heard it: the sound that pulled me from my trance, pulled me from the chaos.
“Huntyr!” the voice said. “Come this way!”
I looked, seeing the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. Her hair was black and curly like mine, her eyes golden and filled with light.
I elbowed my way over to her, still fighting to catch my breath.
I knew this woman; I had seen her before, though I couldn’t remember when.
“You’re safe now,” she whispered.
I shouldn’t have believed her. Amid blood and war, nothing was safe. But a warm, serene blanket of comfort fell over me.
The woman leaned forward, opening her arms to hug me.
That’s when I saw her change. Morph into one of the creatures we had just been fighting.
Her perfect, golden eyes faded into black, empty orifices. Fangs grew from her teeth like they had been there all along.
And then she aimed for my throat.
My own scream jolted me awake. I sat up in bed, panting, sweat covering my forehead and neck. I slapped a hand over my throat, feeling for a pulse. Gasping in relief when I found it, I swallowed.
It was just a nightmare. Those damn vampyre stories from learning history here had really started to get to me.
My breath came rapidly before I could start slowing it down.
Hells, I hoped I didn’t wake—
I glanced over to Wolf’s bed, expecting to find him asleep or not there at all, only to find him sitting up and staring directly at me.
But he said nothing. With his eyebrows drawn together and his mouth tight, he lingered in the darkness, not saying a single word about the obvious nightmare I had just woken from.
I rolled over, facing the wall as I pulled my sweat-covered blanket up to my chin. Hells, the dream had been so vivid. I could see the magnificent, towering castle, could smell the blood and decay in the air.
Just a dream,I reminded myself.Your enemies are here, and you are nowhere near the vampyre kingdom.
I did not sleep for the rest of the night.
And though I was certain he had seen my sudden outburst, Wolf never said a word.