Page 86 of Wings So Wicked
Wolf’s expression softened, then his eyes darkened with anger.
“He’s going to die for this,” Wolf said, turning his attention back to my wound while he shook his head. “I should have killed that bastard a long time ago.”
He moved, scrambling for something I couldn’t see. He pulled his hands away from my torso, and I immediately missed the warmth.
“I should have known,” I managed to choke out, my voice hoarse and scratchy. “I should have… I should have—”
“Stop,” Wolf growled. I looked at him in time to see him slicing his own palm with a knife. Blood pooled, his blood this time, in his hand. “Hold still. I’m going to heal you.”
I must have been delusional, because I thought he said he was going to heal me with blood magic.
But then he moved to prop my head up, holding his bloodied hand over my wound.
“Help her, goddess.” He said the words so quietly, I almost thought I had imagined them.
Slowly, I felt it. Warmth radiated from his palm, more so than usual. It spread into my torso with a light that illuminated room.
“A little more,” he mumbled.
I obeyed, holding still as Wolf worked. My vision blurred again, and my eyes grew heavy, but I fought to stay awake.
It must have been the angel properties making his blood magic so strong.
That, or the fact that I was on death’s doorstep.
Wolf finally stepped away, gently lowering my head onto the bed before rummaging through something on the other side of the room.
“Sleep,” he said, returning with a towel that he used to wrap around my exposed, bloody stomach. “You’ll feel better in the morning.”
“Why are you helping me?” I asked, immediately hating the vulnerability in my voice.
Wolf paused long enough that I wasn't sure he would answer at all.
But then, in a softness I had never heard him speak in before, he said, “You are making me remember.”
Iwoke up to the sound of Wolf growling. Literally growling, primal and dangerous and vibrating my bones. I stirred in bed, running a tired hand over my face.
“Get the fuck out of here,” Wolf seethed.
I blinked my eyes open to find the door cracked, Wolf blocking my view with his outstretched hands. His bulky frame filled up the doorway.
“Please,” Lanson’s voice filled the room, pleading and painful.Fuck.“I need to talk to her.”
“That’s not going to happen,” Wolf snapped. I had never heard his voice so lethal.
“I don’t think you’re the one who gets to decide that,” Lanson responded.
A long silence filled the air. I envisioned the way Wolf was most likely glaring at Lanson, an entire foot shorter than him, and the way Lanson probably stared back, terrified and helpless.
I had to admit, the vision made me feel a little better, even if it was only in my head.
But the reality was that I had to face him eventually.
“Let him in,” I whispered, pushing myself up to my elbows.
Wolf spun around, mouth agape as he looked at me. And then his brows tightened, eyes darkened. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”