Page 97 of Wings So Wicked
“Voiler, you’re sparring with Espek today.” Commander Macanthos stepped back as the circle gathered around the training area.
Voiler had sparred a couple of times before. She won most, but Espek would not go down easily. He was cruel and untrustworthy. His size alone was enough to make anyone nervous in a sparring match, let alone Voiler, who stood at nearly half his height.
His face had barely healed, and satisfaction rolled through me as I surveyed him. He didn’t appear nearly as strong as he used to, and without Ryder, Espek looked utterly alone.
Good. He was lucky he still lived.
I felt Wolf’s body behind mine as I lingered near the back of the circle. I couldn’t stop the uptick in my heart rate as Voiler stepped forward, assuming her fighting stance.
She had become my friend. I didn’t want to see her hurt, even if it was just training.
I glanced at Ashlani, who was already looking at me with the same worried eyes.
You’ve got this, Voiler.
Espek threw the first punch.
No surprise there.
Voiler ducked effortlessly and rolled away, forcing them to switch sides.
Commander Macanthos stood watching with tight lips. He knew this was an uneven fight. He knew it, and he still chose her to fight against Espek.
I did not know what he was thinking, but you would have to be blind to see how unfair this was.
Voiler dodged the next few punches, which only infuriated Espek. His face flushed red, his breathing grew heavy as Voiler danced him around the sparring area.
When Voiler threw an elbow into Espek’s ribs, he hissed in pain.
There we go, Voiler. More of that.
But Espek recovered quickly, grabbing her arm before she pulled away and throwing her to the ground like she was nothing.
He jumped on her in an instant, pinning her to the ground with a hand around her throat.
Come on, Voiler.She gasped for air; Espek’s hand tightened.
I glanced at the commander.End the fucking fight!
Everyone froze. Not a single person dared to move, dared to breathe.
And then the impossible happened.
It all went down so fast, I barely noticed. Voiler reached toward Espek’s thigh, where one of his own daggers was strapped, and sliced her own hand.
The blood hit the ground a fraction of a second later.
Espek didn’t stand a chance as shards of ice formed in the air around them. They impaled themselves into Espek’s back, piercing his heart, killing him.
The entire fight lasted a mere few seconds.
Voiler shoved Espek’s lifeless body off her before crawling away, gasping for air. Ashlani knelt beside her, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her into a hug.
But my gaze moved to the commander.
“You have powerful blood magic,” he said, nodding to Voiler. “It’s rare for someone to wield so much control in a time of panic. Hells, most would have killed us all with those shards.”