Page 64 of Be My Endgame
“Whatever you’re comfortable with,” Lee whispered, almost lost in the rush of the shower.
“This is good.” Alex didn’t wait for a response, just twisted his wrist in a way he liked himself. Lee’s hips jerked with a tiny moan that Alex swallowed.
The angle was slightly different, but the weight and silky warmth of skin wasn’t, water making it an easy slide. It didn’t take long at all for Lee to gasp into Alex’s mouth, clutching Alex’s shoulder as he spilled sticky-warm between them. Maybe that meant something—how little it had taken, how close Lee had already been by the time Alex got a hand on him.
That was a question for another moment, though. For now, Alex was happy to lose himself in more kisses shared between them, urgency fading as the water grew cooler.
Lunch could wait a little longer.
So that was… a thing now.
Sex with Alex.
Kissing too—quick and close-mouthed in the morning, deep and slow in the evening, and whatever they could get away with during the day. The night before the match against the US, Lee talked Alex through his first blowjob. It wasn’t perfect, of course it wasn’t because Alex needed a moment to find his rhythm and he took a few breaks, loosely circling Lee’s cock with one hand, grinning up at Lee as he mouthed at the head—but God, it wasAlex, and that was enough to make Lee bite his own hand when he came so he wouldn’t give them away to the entire team.
He hadn’t planned for them to fall asleep together after that, naked and tangled on his bed. When he woke up in the morning though, Alex tucked up against his side, it felt like the most natural thing in the world, as inevitable as gravity. Alex blinked his eyes open some minutes later, sunshine brightening the tips of his lashes because they hadn’t bothered closing the curtains last night, and found Lee watching him. His smile was soft and sleepy, no surprise at their proximity.
“Creep,” he mumbled, and Lee chuckled.
“It’s not every day I wake up with an earl in my bed.”
Could get used to it.Lee didn’t say that.
The corners of Alex’s eyes crinkled. “You complaining?”
“Not even a little,” Lee told him before he leaned in for a lazy kiss, morning breath be damned. They were the last ones at breakfast, and Oliver shot Lee a knowing look that Lee countered with a sheepish grin, ducking his head.
He should have known it was too good to last.
It was their first match in Madrid, and Alex spent most of the train trip staring blankly out the window while Jeff, Lewis, and Lee slagged off the US in general and American portion sizes and accents in particular, even Oliver chiming in every now and then. When Jeff launched into a made-up country song about a rusting truck and a regrettable lack of beer, Alex cracked a brief grin that faded all too soon. Jeff clearly noticed and turned up the volume on his attempts to distract Alex, teasing him about his pretty face and his popularity on social media. For a little while it worked, but as soon as Jeff left their compartment to call his new girl who was going to be at the match tonight, Alex fell back into morose silence.
Only once Lewis left as well did Lee get a chance to reach over and cover Alex’s hand with his own. “Hey.”
Alex looked up sharply, gaze sliding to Oliver. At Oliver’s sunny smile, Alex relaxed and turned to Lee, tangling their fingers. “Hey.”
Wrong. Too quiet, lacking Alex’s usual energy.
Oliver appeared to think so too. He got up and grabbed his phone, pointing a thumb at the corridor outside the compartment. “I’ll be just outside, yeah? Give Sanna a quick call.”
“You’ll stand guard for us?” Lee aimed for an obnoxious smile. “That’s real kind of you, mate.”
“Keep it family-appropriate.”
Oliver tossed Lee an unimpressed look before he stepped outside, closed the door, and turned his back on them, leaving the compartment in thick silence that was underlined by the steady hum of the train. Lee shifted to face Alex properly, taking in the tense line of his jaw and the way he wouldn’t quite meet Lee’s eyes.
“How are you doing?” Lee asked in an undertone.
“I’m” —Alex dragged in a breath— “nervous.”
“You weren’t nervous last night.”
The faintest quirk of Alex’s mouth. “I was otherwise occupied.”
“By all means.” Lee slid a little lower in his seat and tilted his hips up with a small grin, keeping his hold on Alex’s hand as he gestured at the fly of his jeans. “Help yourself. I don’t mind taking one for the team.”