Page 89 of Be My Endgame
“I’d succumbed—as you so nicely put it—way before then,” Lee said. “Here’s just where I admitted it out loud.”
“That so?” Humour glinted in Alex’s voice. “Tell me more.”
“How about” —Lee glanced around to make sure no one paid them any mind— “we take this conversation somewhere more private?”
“Are you ashamed of our love, Lee?” The humour in Alex’s voice lingered, and our love, ourlove.
It was the first time either of them had used the word in even just a joking manner—except it wasn’t a joke, or at least it wasn’t to Lee.
Since he couldn’t quite read Alex’s expression, he tilted his head, letting his lips tug up into a smirk. “Is that a dare?” He took a step closer. “Because I have no problem planting one on you right here and now. Just say the word.”
Alex laughed. “You wouldn’t.”
“Sweetheart, Iwould.” It was true. Lee hadn’t realised it until now, hadn’t even thought about it before because it was still sinking in that this was real. But if Alex wanted to come out? Lee was game.
“You’re bluffing.” Alex didn’t sound entirely certain though, and Lee let his smirk widen.
“Come on, then. Call my bluff.”
For a second, it looked as though Alex would, staring at Lee. Then his features relaxed and he exhaled another laugh, low and sweet. “Bloody hell, I think you actually are serious.”
“Yup.” Lee paused. “Except I might hesitate because of you. Me, I’d be fine—my sisters would cheer me on, and my mum doesn’t know yet but she’d be okay with it, and with Ben as my coach and Oliver as my captain back home, I’d be all set. You, though? Your dad might just disown you.”
A shadow crossed Alex’s face. “I ducked his calls twice today, so, you know. If I wasn’t the heir with no spare, he’d already be on the phone to his lawyer.”
“His loss.” It was easy for Lee to say that, of course—much harder for Alex to feel it.
Since Lee didn’t like the sombre expression in Alex’s eyes, he clinked their bottles together. “To doing things our own fucking way.”
“Hear, hear.” A smile slid over Alex’s face. “The final, Lee. Can you fuckingbelieveit?”
“Not really, no. Pinch me?”
Alex proceeded to do just that, except Lee caught his wrist and trapped it—which of course meant that Alex set his bottle down and tried again with his newly freed hand. They grappled for a few moments, grinning wildly, Lee spilling non-alcoholic beer over both of them while Alex protested loudly and dramatically. When Jeff started cheering for Alex, it prompted Oliver to do the same for Lee, and then a good number of their teammates and supporting staff were flocking over to witness the excitement, drawn like moths to a flame, placing imaginary bets, shouting tips and encouragement. The whole thing ended when Lee managed to trap Alex against him, Alex’s back to his front, Lee’s arms tight around him and Alex laughing too hard to put up much of a fight.
“And this,” Lee said smugly, “is where state-school education beats posh-boy school.” He very nearly punctuated the statement with a kiss to Alex’s cheek before he remembered their audience—amused faces and applause for Lee, with only Jeff and Oliver clued into how this was more than just two teammates grappling for a good laugh.
It was kind of amazing what they could get away with in public.
“I didn’t pack my wrestling blazer,” Alex countered, dusting off his shoulders once Lee released him. He was smiling, eyes bright and happy even in the dim glow of lights strung along the olive trees.
Now that the action was over, the cluster of people around them drifted away. Lee waited until it was just him and Alex before he tilted his head, watching Alex from underneath his lashes. “So. My place or your place?”
“Whichever’s closer.”
“Excellent choice.” Lee nudged their elbows together. “Leave soon?”
“How soon is now?” Alex asked.
“I can grab my stuff and come over in ten minutes or so?”
At Alex’s surprised glance, Lee realised it would be the first time he’d be the one sneaking into Alex’s room. Before he could add anything to that effect, Alex sent him a beaming smile. “It’s a date.”
It wasn’t, really—just the two of them hiding away in their own little corner of the world while Lee swallowed back words that Alex might not be ready to hear just yet. And still it was brilliant, better than anything Lee had ever felt before. Granted, his experience was limited, but … fuck, this wasit.
The big one.