Page 49 of Knot Your Forever
Hanging out with this group made me realize what I’d been missing, and maybe it was the first piece of finding myself.
The conversation died down as we stuffed ourselves on some amazing food. I’d driven myself and when we parted ways to say goodbye, I felt almost disappointed that I’d have to climb into the car alone.
At least the guys were sweet enough to go get it for me while I was getting ready for girls’ night.
It was strange. I’d thrived on being alone so much before this. Now, the thought felt… wrong. When I wasn’t with the guys I felt their absence.
It wasn’t that I was needy and couldn’t function without them, it was that I was aware of their absence. It was a physical reaction as much as it was emotional.
Being in a pack was strange.
“Drive safe,” Kat said as she waved to me, her auburn hair blowing in front of her face before she ducked into her waiting car.
A hand locked around my wrist and I nearly screamed until I heard Lake’s familiar chuckle.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he laughed. “I thought you might like someone to ride home with.”
“How did you get here?” I glanced around but he was alone.
“Riven had to run to grab something from town and I had him drop me off. I couldn’t let our omega be all alone.”
“How chivalrous,” I teased, but secretly, I was happy he was here.
“Have I told you how nice it is to have you back in my life?” he asked as we climbed into my car.
“It’s nice to be back,” I admitted. “Thanks for meeting me. If you hadn’t…”
I trailed off because we both knew what would have happened.
“Taking those blockers was dumb,” he said with a sigh.
“It was, but now everything is out in the open,” I reassured him, reaching over and taking his hand as I pulled out of the spot. He kept his fingers wrapped around mine as I drove back to Micah’s house.
“So, tell me about this gig you have with the others,” I said as I focused on the road.
“Micah and his friend, Collin, were buying up houses and remodeling them. He’s taking a break, so Micah brought us in. Riven and Drew are like a dream team with construction. I’ve seen them knock out insane amounts of work in no time at all. I’m just an electrician but I’ve been helping with other things, too,” he explained. “It’s nice to learn the different aspects of the trade.”
“‘Just an electrician,’” I snorted. “Don’t act like it’s not a big deal.”
“Okay, okay,” he laughed. “You’re right. It’s really nice to be working with my hands. The work is therapeutic in its own way. I can lose myself in the labor and not have to think. I’ve done too much of that in the last year.”
“Same,” I said, giving his hand a squeeze. “I’d like to see one of the projects when we’re done with all this.”
“We can arrange that,” he promised.
He let out a long breath as he rested his head on the head rest, staring out the window in quiet contemplation.
Lake was definitely more serious now. I could still read him to some extent. He didn’t feel melancholy right now, more like he was simply soaking in the moment.
When we parked at Micah’s he got out and came around to my side to pull open my door. The moment I was standing in front of him, his lips met mine. I melted into the kiss, my entire body lighting on fire as he pushed me against the car.
I was dazed by the time he released me and he just gave me a smirk that told me Lake was still there under the weight of his loss.
Drew started acting strange the moment we found out we were going to the library. I, on the other hand, was more than a little excited—libraries were definitely my happy place. They’d been my escape during childhood and the divorce. It had been too long since I curled up and lost myself in a good book.