Page 93 of Knot Your Forever
While I had been writing my last note to Everett, the guys have been turning Micah’s living room into a gaming center.
They hooked up the big-screen TV to the computer and loaded the couch with pillows, blankets, and most importantly, snacks.
Now, I sat in the middle of the sectional with a tray in front of me, holding the wireless keyboard and mouse.
A soft tune filled the air as I booted up the game. It slowly got more upbeat as it scanned over the small town.
Finally, when it reached the hill, the title appeared on the screen.
Locked Inn.
It was one of those pixelated indie games. For some, they were nostalgic, but for me, I just loved the cozy vibes.
The cute little jingle continued as the menu screen popped up, and a welcome message scrolled by.
Welcome to Locked Inn, Shaye. I hope you enjoy your stay.
No one else would get the greeting and I loved that it was all mine.
I pressed enter and watched as a little train brought us to our destination, letting out little puffs of steam as it chugged down the track.
Everett’s voice started to speak as he narrated the game he created. It was an unexpected surprise, and I shared a grin with Lake as he gave us our background.
“You needed a fresh start from your boring life in the city, and what better place to start than a ghost town? There is one lone inn standing amongst the broken buildings. You couldn’t help but wonder what secrets this town held, why it was abandoned, and why someone would offer for you to bring it back to life.”
A mysterious mayor was the first NPC. I burst out laughing at the tiny little Everett on the screen. His eyes were the same turquoise and his hair long and black.
Though, my Everett wouldn’t wear a top hat and tux.
Between his voice narrating, and the quirky character, it was perfect. He was living on in his own way.
This wasn’t something I could have appreciated before I read his letter, or before I went on this journey, but now it has settled something in me.
He would never be forgotten, and now others would get to hear his voice and play this game he poured himself into.
The game itself was amazing. I was hooked from the moment we started cleaning up the inn and fighting off the zombies that rose every night.
There were only a few people that came into the town – a man who collected your offerings to sell at the end of the day and a few traveling merchants.
Until we started repairing the buildings at least.
First up was the train station. The similarities were uncanny, and when we entered the code we found in the wall next to the vending machine, it popped out a prize – a special ability that allowed us to detect hidden secrets.
The guys had to jump in every so often, helping me defeat some of the bosses after I’d failed. Lake took over from time to time as we explored, just as hooked as I was.
We ordered food twice before we were too tired to keep playing.
Then the next day, we were right back at it again.
It continued like that over the course of a week as we battled our way through the game.
Now we’d unlocked stores in town, and people were moving back in. It was a cozy little supernatural town full of witches, werewolves, vampires, and all kinds of supernatural creatures. They were quirky and funny, and the parallels between the game and Lockwood had us cracking up.
Like the grumpy raven shifter that ran the coffee shop, aptly titled ‘The Nest’. You had to bring him shiny objects that you found around town to gain his favor and earn coffee that made you stronger.
Part of me hated that we were working through it so quickly, but then again, it was our only focus outside of eating, showering, and sleeping.