Page 26 of Mate
Ry put down the phone and gave Caelum a hard look. The look seemed to speak to Caelum; I read it as, ‘You’re fucking kidding me.’
Caelum shrugged. “Things didn’t go as planned.”
“You don’t fucking say,” Ry snapped, shaking his head and typing up a text message. He looked at me, then shook his head again, like I had purposely been keeping something from him. “No wonder she’s acting weird; you just mind-fucked her,” he said when he turned back to Caelum. Then he suddenly turned his head suspiciously. “Is that all you fucked?”
“It was maybe going in that direction, yeah, but as soon as I had my dick out of my pants, another wolf came up, and I had to take care of it.” Caelum didn’t look particularly happy about being interrupted, and I was trying not to sweat.
Was this crazy guy spanking me and then eating my pussy the most erotic thing that had ever happened in my life? Oh, yeah—by leagues. At the same time, I was so freaked out of my mind, that of course I didn’t want to fuck. I wanted my brain to calm down and get a grip on itself, or on reality.
So, because reality hadn’t been there, it had been quite rape-y behavior, and I was waiting for my apology. And you know what? I was going to accept that apology like a fucking lady.
“I could stuff her in the basement until we figure out what to do with her,” Ry offered casually while thumbing another message into the phone. “At least until we pow-wow with the guys.”
My mouth dropped open. Now, he was just beingrude.
“No,” I said, my hands on my hips. It was time to lay down the law here, especially because these guys were being unreal and bossy as hell. “You haven’t even fed me all day. I ran six miles, sat in the car for six fucking hours, and I didn’t have time for breakfast. I don’t give a shit if you guys are werewolves, or perverts, or aliens from outer-fucking-space, I’m getting a goddamn sandwich.” I skulked back into the kitchen and did just that.
I half expected to still get carried off and locked into the basement of this house—which was probably a creepy one—before I had even finished making it, but Ry never came back into the kitchen to harass me, and Caelum looked unable and uninclined to get up from the sofa. I heard them talking to each other out there, but I couldn’t make much out except the low rumble of their voices.
The front door was opening and closing at a constant rate, and it began to thrum with noise like there was a party out there. I wasn’t going anywhere until I finished my food; I had decided that extra bullshit could wait. There seemed to be an ample supply of it, and I didn’t have to be first to the crazy trough.
When I did actually head towards the living room again, however, I sort of wished I hadn’t let it hit me all at once.
There was some good news—these men were tens. And there were a lot of them, about thirteen in all. The age variance was from men in their mid to upper thirties down to a guy that I’d seen around campus that was a TA; maybe twenty-four years old.Maybe.
I suddenly felt very underdressed; I shouldn’t be wearing just pajamas, at any rate. Was I even wearing makeup? Oh, shit. I wasn’t—I had decided that there was no reason to wear any in the mental hospital I was going into, after my shower. I was less than convinced I wasn’t still in a dream.
A weird dream. A dream where my ass still felt like it was sore as fuck, which was very unlike my other dreams.
When I walked into the living room, all of the men stopped talking animatedly with and at each other and began to stare at me. It was awkward, but they didn’t call me ‘The Politician’ for nothing. I might have been a ‘C’ student, but I could normally hob-nob across a variety of groups when I put my mind to it.
“Hi, everyone,” I greeted at the many silent faces staring at me.
Caelum seemed annoyed at my sudden re-emergence but waved at me. “Guys—this is Kaci Iverson. Kaci—” He looked at me, and I expected an introduction. “Go up to your room. Find one with a door and close it,” he said instead.
What a dick.
“You don’t actually have to treat me like garbage. I feel like I’ve been pretty go-with-the-flow today.”
“In what world? You’ve been anythingbutgo-with-the-flow! You’ve been a pain in the ass. If you hadn’t run, I wouldn’t have had to chase you down!” Caelum growled back, and he lookedlike he might be getting off the sofa just to come and physically intimidate me.
“Well, then you wouldn’t have found out about your little problem, would you?” I asked smartly, putting my hands on my hips. “I certainly didn’t mind the distraction. You were acting bat-shit. Still are—hey!”
Suddenly Ry stepped up and tilted me over one of his shoulders and began to take me up the winding staircase. It was more than a little embarrassing.
“See? See this? Not okay!” I claimed, smacking at Ry’s back. The men were still looking at me, and I had a good view of them as I was carried up the stairs. To keep from looking completely like a two-year-old, I decided to be the adult one and act like the lady I was. “It was nice to meet y’all! Have fun at your weird secret meeting!”
I could fucking smell her pussy on his breath.
What the shit? Caelum had been in her presence for all of ten fucking minutes and he couldn’t keep it in his pants, but he had the balls to tell me to keepmyhands off her? The fucking nerve. Sure, he may be the boss, but my dick was telling me otherwise at the moment.
Speaking of my dick, it was fucking hard as an iron spike again. The moment I’d left her, my dick had gone limp, and not just a little limp, buttotally fucking limp, like someone had shoved it in icy cold water and left it there to freeze to death. That had never happened before, and I didn’t like it one fucking bit.
Fuck this. Fuck this right in the mouth.