Page 40 of Mate
“They’re not supposed to be here! I said, ‘no guests.’ I didn’t say ‘no guests, but sure, bring in a couple of Lycans and throw a party!’” he argued back in his own type of southern drawl. “I should start paddling your assbeforeI go anywhere, because doing it when I come home doesn’t keep you from doing whatever the fuck you think to do!”
“See? See what I mean? These are guests! Now you’re just trying to embarrass me!” she complained, the tension in the room rising between them while I, and surely Caelum, although I couldn’t pay that much attention, felt like we were slowly dying.
“Did you cook the beignets properly?” the cat asked from behind me.
“Tais-toi!” the witch hissed at the cat.
“Mate… Bond…” Caelum was suddenly saying, just about the time it was getting much worse. I felt like a string in my chest was getting pulled and I was unraveling.
I looked down, horrified that I would have his problem, scratching at my chest, clawing up my shirt. A mark was appearing over my heart. It was red now, but quickly getting darker.
Shit.Our mate was on the move.
How useless could that pup possibly be? All Beau had to do was watch one sophomore! He literally had one job to do!
Wendy was next to me. She was watching the mark with horror-stricken enthusiasm you never want to see on a witch’s face. They weren’t allowed to be alarmed. They were supposed to know what to do in every situation!
“Merde! What is dat?” Wendy demanded, poking a finger across my chest, which was actually a little tender right now.
Caelum was dropping out of his chair. “Get… Kaci… Here…” he panted. “Our mate… Kaci Iverson.”
Wendy was rushing around and saying, “Ombre,cher, where are those glasses? The Lycan ones?” She must have found them, because two moments later she was crouching next to me with old-fashioned wire spectacles on and looking at my chest. “Oh, wow… Big Daddy, you gotta see this to believe it.” She pulled off her glasses and passed them to Samael.
He pulled off his sunglasses and put the spectacles over his inky black eyes.
I was trying to stifle a cry at this point.
“Mate mark from quite the fucking bond. I haven’t seen one that bad in centuries. That’s not great… We’ve got to be looking at some powerful magic,ma chérie. That mate-line there is about as taut as hell. They’re gonna start blacking out. See what youcan do to keep that mark from looking any worse.” He looked over his shoulder and said, “Ombre! Figure out that spell to deaden the mating bond a bit. See if you can numb it.”
“The numbing shit for that doesn’t last long, boss,” the shadow echoed. “Lasts an hour, tops.”
“Well, let’s see how long it takes to bring their mate back,” Samael straightened. “I’ll go myself.”
“You don’t know where you’re going. You never met Kaci Iverson—I have. You don’t know what she look like!” Little Mama protested.
“I’ll follow the fucking huge line,” he said, gesturing to something invisible in front of him that he apparently could see with his glasses. He turned to us and sighed. “It’s gonna be okay, fellas. Leave it to me,” he assured, slapping me on the back.
I winced, unable to take a full breath.
“Little Mama’s got you. You couldn’t be in more capable hands,” he added as if he wanted me to believe it more than he believed it himself. There was a ring of sarcasm that I felt this situation didn’t deserve.
I heard a thump and saw Caelum collapse on the ground.
“Oh, it appears we have a casualty,” the cat said unhelpfully. “I predict that the big, dumb one will follow suit in three… two… one …”
“Fuck you…” I growled at the cat.
But he was right. I blacked out.
“Hate my life, hate my life, hate my life…” Beau grumbled as he tried his best to get a signal on his phone as he drove. “I’m gonna eat so much shit for this…”
“I’m telling you, the signal always sucks for T-Mobile out here,” I assured. “Get another carrier or take a chill pill. I’ll let you text the assholes from my phone when we get there.” I waved my hand dismissively. “You’re acting like a pledge in a motorcycle club.”
“You’re acting like you have any experience with those, but yeah.” He was way sick of my bullshit; it was evident.