Page 42 of Mate
You know that thing that happens in old movies, where the hero and the heroine see each other for the first time, some dramatic music is playing, and they just stare at each other like creepazoids?
That was what was going on.
Why? I didn’t know. But Beau was tenting his pants for some reason. It looked like he had a roll of silver dollars stuffed into his pocket. It was indecent! She was still in high school.
“Hey, Woody, this isn’t Toy Story. Get the fuck out,” I told him, jerking my thumb at the door.
His face immediately went completely pink. And then red. It was pretty funny, but at the same time, it wasn’t. Apparently, I was fucking up his magic moment. Aw.
“I’m staying right here,” he assured me firmly. He was totally out of patience now.
“Okay.” I turned to my sister. “Hey, you know that spell book we got at Little Mama’s?”
She looked like she was still checking out Beau. I couldn’t blame her; he was shmexy and much more age appropriate than eitherof the two guys that had eaten my pussy the day before, but there was no time for it.
I snapped my fingers in front of her face. “Earth to Macy,” I called.
She blinked, looked up at me, and blushing slightly, pushed her glasses up her nose. “Huh?”
“That spell got me in so much shit that it’s hard to describe. It’s important for my mission,” I said like I was a secret agent or something.
Normally she would have been interested, but Beau was throwing off her normal inclinations towards the paranormal. She frowned at me. “Hey, that’s mine. I got it with my money!”
I sighed, but my sister was no rube. “How much you want for it?”
She looked me over, seeming to assess if I was being serious. When she decided I was, she leaned back and crossed her arms. “Hundred bucks.”
Well, she wasn’t just a rube, she was a greedy bitch. Apparently, she didn’t like her magic moment being screwed up, either. “You paid twenty for that shit two days ago!”
“Well, now it’s gone up to a hundred twenty.” She lifted her blond eyebrows at me.
I was slightly impressed. “You’re a ho.” I turned to Beau. “Can I borrow… like, a hundred and twenty bucks?”
He gave me some well-deserved stank-eye, but he pulled out his wallet. “Go find it,” he said, suddenly willing to get me out of his sight as he handed bills over to my very pleased sister.
I went to her room to find it, and it wasn’t easy. My sister was a pig; and I’m not talking about the cute little one like inBabe, but like the really offensive kind you need a city permit to have within a mile of neighbors. She was one of those people who would just let plates of half-eaten food rot everywhere. Nothing she owned had a place.
How did my parents like her more than me? Probably because they couldn’tfindher weed stash if their lives depended on it. There was too much chaos in here.
If a once-extinct creature suddenly popped out from a stack of dirty clothes and bit my face off, I wouldn’t have been at all surprised. It was that kind of room, and it had been that kind of week.
“Where the fuck?” I called out of the room.
“It’s near the computer!” she called back.
I closed my eyes, shook my head, and looked over towards the computer.
The lights went out.
Because of course they did.
“Urgh!” I cried.
“The power’s out!” my sister informed me.
“No shit!” I called back. I was now looking around this fucking horror show in the dark. I pulled out my cellphone and used it as a flashlight. It made the room freaky, like I was inspecting an ancient tomb, searching for artifacts.
I heard a car outside scream to a break. I scurried to the window, tripped on what was hopefully a pair of sneakers, and then ranto the window. I saw a very fancy car outside, but I didn’t see the owner.