Page 45 of Mate
With the moon’s dark blood glow, let the blood-bind grow.
Make your love ignite, bind it strong this very night.
So let the wild come, the silver hearted, true in tooth and claw and bone,
Let their destiny in me be shown.
Okay, so I was pretty good at reading regulations and loopholes in paperwork. That’s what made me a good ‘politician’. I was one of those people originally earmarked in high school for getting into law school, and then I was a ‘C’ student, and everyone rightly lowered their expectations.
So, reading this now like it wasreal, it didn’t look good. Sure, there was a bunch of stuff I didn’t understand— “blood’s past might,” for example, was still nonsense.
Still, there did seem to be a good lot of talk about ‘blood binding’ and ‘destiny’. That wasn’t good for me…
The demon cut another few cars off and swerved around an eighteen-wheeler, and I kept my eyes on the book. I didn’t want to see death coming. Instead, I shuffled through all of the spells for some little beam of hope, trying to find something—anything,really—that might help, but nothing stood out to me. Most of it was silly little love and luck charms. There were even a handful of bad luck ones.
If magic was real and all, maybe they would actually work, and I could win the lottery tomorrow and get the fuck out of dodge before any of my babysitters could come and find me?
I laid my head back against the seat and dreamed about sitting in a lounge chair on the beach with one of those stupid cocktails with a little colorful umbrella in it while a pool boy went and got me another one. It would be so nice. Thelife…
With a heavy sigh, I shut the book. As nice as that tiny little fantasy sounded, I’d already messed with magic once, and I wasn’t going to do it again. I was already up shit’s creek, and I didn’t need to go much further unless it would help me go back the way I’d come.
“Find anything?” Samael asked, turning his head, and nodding at the book in my hands.
“No,” I answered, wrinkling my nose in annoyance.
“Wendy will find something if there is anything to find,” he offered.
“As inLittle Mama, right?”
“The very same,” he answered. His mouth curved up at the edges in a devious little smirk, and I got the feeling there was way more to the story between the two of them. Were they like…together-together?How the heck had Little Mama bagged herself an evil demon instead of a normal wiccan hipster boy or something?
“Is that where we’re going? Little Mama’s?”
“That’s right, darlin’. Your mates are waiting there for you,” he explained, nodding his head, but the way he said the last bit made it sound like he knew they would be unhappy, and that I was a naughty girl who should feel at least a little bit ashamed of myself and also wary about seeing my mates again.
“They’re not my mates,” I assured him adamantly, swiping my hand through the air.
He made a scoffing noise and shook his head. “I don’t know why you are all so set on fighting the mate bond. You can’t exactly tell fate to go fuck off and disappear,” Samael muttered, wiggling his pale fingers—was he wearing black nail polish?—towards the window.
“I plan to do just that,” I quipped, lifting my chin as if it was a matter of pride. “I didn’t sign up for this, and I don’t want any part of it.”
“If only it worked that way,” he said with one of those smirks that assholes have when they think they’re so much wiser than anyone in their vicinity.
Beau was strangely quiet in the back seat, and I turned my head, glancing back at him. He seemed worried, or at least caught up in deep thought. He had my sister’s number in a death grip in his fingers, and I shook my head. He better not be imprinting on her or something. I wasn’t about to go all Team Jacob just for him.
Samael sped along the highway like he was a speed demon instead of some crossroads demon, and I let out another deep sigh.
“So, tell me more about yourself, Samael,” I questioned, unable to keep myself from doing so. I wasn’t going to ask my normal questions like, ‘where you from?’ or ‘You more of a gamer or a streamer?’ but I was going to make sure I was properly entertained. I was stuck in this whole mess, anyway, and Samael got to be the lucky target of my ire since I really didn’t want to ask Beau how he was doing and exactly what he was thinking about.
Samael grinned toothily with amusement as he settled back in his seat, seemingly delighted by my curiosity. His voice took on a low, smooth tone, as if he was about to share a well-guarded secret that could change the world. I sat back. This better be good. I mean, I hadn’t paid for it, but I was in the mood for a good story to distract myself from the insanity going on all around me. A movie or a book wouldn’t cut it right now, so Samael it was.
“Well, since you asked sonicely, I suppose we can have a chit-chat. We haven’t anything else to do…” he began, his voice rich and melodious. “What would you like to know?”
“How did Wendy wind up with a demon?” I found myself asking. It was still pretty incredible. Honestly, Wendy was so outlandish and theatrical a personality, it didn’t seem like she’d have any secrets at all, let alone a demon in the closet.
“Well, shoot, darlin’. That’s a whole story. I don’t think I can finish it in the time we’ve got and do it any justice at all. Let’s just suffice to say that we’re both very complex and uncommon folk, even as far as witches and demons go, and our situation is also very complex and uncommon.”
That wasn’t fucking helpful at all. I had no idea why he was being so cagey about it, but it was annoying. I was at least expecting some sort of creepy story. “So why are youhere?”