Page 47 of Mate
I opened my mouth to say something in my defense, anything really, but nothing came out. I had a terrible feeling that I was about to get spanked again far sooner than I was prepared for, but nothing came to mind for me to say that would actually help me get out of it.
“How do we fix this?” Caelum turned to Little Mama.
She seemed far too chipper, and I wondered how she would feel if her supposed mates took a belt toher ass. Mine was still pretty tender, and things weren’t looking particularly good for me in the ‘ass getting less sore’ department. In fact, Caelum looked like he was ready to deal with me right then and there, and I took a step back, not wanting to test his patience should he actually go through with it in front of everyone else.
With an exaggerated sigh, I handed over the spell book to Little Mama, hoping she could find a solution within its pages.Little Mama’s expression saddened as she flipped through it, her fingers tracing ancient symbols and incantations.
We watched her look at it. Beau was smelling through scented candles like he was shopping, and Samael walked towards the back of the store.
“So, I have good news an’ I have bad news,” said the witch, finally closing it and letting dust spray out in a plume.
“The good news first!” I said, excited and hopeful.
She grimaced. “Actually, let’s do bad first. I don’t know why I gave the option. Well, d’ere ain’ no counterspell. This ain’ gonna wear off none, either—this is blood moon magic, an’ that ain’t no small thing.”
Our mouths hung open, taking this in.
“But,” she added, “The good news is that she wouldn’t have been able to get y’all if she wasn’t already in the cards fate-wise, so this is all meant to be, in a way. My guess is she’s got a lil’ bit of Lycan blood in her from way back, looking at how this spell is able to bind ya’ll so strong.”
“How is that possible?” Ryker asked, furrowing his brow.
She shrugged. “Anything’s possible. Especially with Lycan blood—they literally banish folk from packs all the time. As well you know,” she added, waving right back at Ryker, who pressed his lips together.
My mouth was just hanging open. Even her “good news”sucked. I didn’t even believe in fate!
“So there’s no destroying the amulet, no undoing the spell, nothing?” I questioned, running through my list of getting thespell book, then the necklace, and bringing them both back to her to fix this mess right up.
“You have dat amulet on you, girl?” she asked curiously.
I nodded and quickly pulled it off my neck and passed it over.
She whistled. “Shoot, this is some fucking goodgris gris, Samael!” she held it up to the demon who was leaning against a wall.
“Your language needs work,” Samael rebuked, not seeming too interested at first. When he looked at it, he stepped close and put his hands to it. “That isn’t a normal one, though, I’ll grant that. That’s a hard-to-get gemstone, ‘specially in that size.”
“Some guy just gave it to me outside the store right after you sold me the book,” I announced, gesturing towards the road.
“Well, that is interesting,” Samael granted, looking out the door thoughtfully.
“So does that help my case?” I asked hopefully.
“No.” The response came from Samael and Wendy both together, and it felt like getting smacked by a wall.
“What’s done is done. What’s interesting is why you were sold this book—which I have never seen before. And why you were given that necklace, which would yield a pretty strong result,” Samael said, gesturing to the book.
“I know it’s not the answer y’all want, but there are worse things, ya know?” Wendy added with a touch of sympathy, but then her expression hardened as she looked at Caelum and Ry. “Like dyin’ alone.”
I stared at her for a long moment, just trying to figure out what to do next, but my mind was blank. “What happens now?”
Little Mama turned her attention from me to the weary pair, her gaze filled with empathy. “Cher, y’all can’t leave each other’s vicinity. Da mate bond, it’s stronger dan death itself. It is tight like a band; maybe it could be stretched in time, or maybe with some o’ our special tea here, but not for long and not by much.”
“What does that mean?” I pressed.
“It means we’re stuck together until we find a way out,” Caelum scoffed, and his gaze turned to me, tumultuous and dangerous and far too threatening for my liking.
“Doesn’t sell books my ass,” Ry blurted out, inserting some hard blame.
Samael looked at Wendy also with a hard expression, but Wendy was scanning through the book again.