Page 57 of Mate
I eventually backed her up against a wall, then hoisted her easily up. Her legs found my hips and wrapped tightly around themwhile our mouths hatefucked each other. This was going to be intense as hell, and I was going to love every moment of it.
I’d been cupping her ass cheeks in my hands, but I let one of them go to undo my pants and free myself. My cock sprang right up, searching for her pussy.
Don’t worry, buddy. It’s right fucking here.
She was able to pull her head back. “Don’t put it in,” she panted. She was having one of those annoying sobering moments now that she could feel how thick I was.
“Oh, baby. You’re gonna love Daddy’s cock so much,” I crooned. Her pussy was so wet that as I ground the length against her dripping slit, I was immediately soaked as well.
Honestly, she probably wasn’t going to like my cock. She was only nineteen, probably didn’t have a whole lot of experience, and even girls with lots of it were intimidated by my size and felt they’d bit off way more than they could chew. They’d still come, but they’d felt it for a while after.
But it didn’t matter; she couldn’t turn me in and get someone else like I was a library book.
“I’ll go slow,” I compromised.
She nodded as she panted, and I slid my cock up and down her slit before I put the head at the entrance. I watched as after I slid the head in, I started to lower her down the wall, letting her slowly envelop my cock. Her mouth opened and she let out a noise that chirped like a squeak and a moan.
“There we go, that’s a good girl.”
Her pussy pulsed around my cock. She liked being called a good girl.
Then why was she so naughty?
Fuck, she was tight… It was fucking heaven. There was something about this pussy, something about the way I felt inside of her, that made me feel like I was exactly where I was supposed to be all along.
Keep it together, Ry. Don’t cream her just yet. You’ve got to set the bar, not look like a come-early asshole next to your alpha.
“Okay, it’s too big, it’s too big!” she squealed, her arms tightening on my shoulders before she started hugging my neck.
“I got you. We’ll hold right here,” I said, and she soon calmed enough that I started to kiss her again. It took a couple of seconds, but she found her inner wildcat and began grinding on me until I lowered her more. She took me into her hot wetness one inch at a time.
I brought up a free hand and fisted it in her hair, fucking her mouth with my tongue.
Maybe she didn’t want to submit to me. Maybe she was a modern woman that had her own future plans of ruling the world and keeping her husband on a goddamn leash. I didn’t know. But it didn’t matter now. I pushed my hips up and thrust my cock the rest of the way in her and made it clear who was in fucking charge now.
And it wasn’t her.
“Fuuuck!” she howled as I impaled her on my thickness. Her fingernails were clawing into my shoulder blades, and I didn’tgive a fuck. Nothing could take away from this moment; the moment where I was balls-deep inside my own fucking mate.
Good lord, it felt like this pussy was made for my cock…
“Ryker!” she barked at me, like I was the one that fucking putherin a pain-coma earlier today.
I lifted up my eyebrows and looked over her face. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did that hurt?” I growled, holding her firmly to the wall. I pulled out of her tight sheath and then slammed my way back into it. She winced and tried to wiggle away, or at least squirm into comfort. “I didn’t want this fucking to feel like a cake walk, sweet cheeks. You were a naughty fucking mate today, and you’re gonna be sorry for your little field trip.”
Fuck me, it felt so good when she tried to find the ground with her bare little feet. It felt just right while I was inside of her. But I pressed her to the wall and started pounding her tight little pussy.
She was moaning loudly in my ear, trying to climb herself up me, but all she could do was hold on.
I felt her dripping pussy juice down my own leg. The scent of her arousal was everywhere, making me heady.
Suddenly, I felt like I was slipping out of control. I was changing. I could feel my teeth turn into jaws. Jaws to sink into her neck and mark her as my own.
It would have felt so fucking perfect… She was already tied to me, why fucking not? I could make her take my fucking knot, fill her with so much come that she’d swell. Oh, fucking yes.
My brain was trying to scratch its own way to the surface. It was saying,Wait. You are not alpha here and he has not given up on the plan! Just wait. Wait!
Fuck you, brain! Stop being a little bitch!