Page 12 of Banshee
“Not a bit,” Cian admitted. “I know that if I walk into the warehouse where he’s holding her, we’ll both end up dead. I need a plan and some manpower, Cillian. You in?” he asked again.
“Of course,” Cillian agreed. “I’ll do whatever it takes to save my sister, Cian.”
“We’re going to need some of your club members,” Cian said. “They have a small army guarding her.”
“Is she local?” Cillian asked.
“In a warehouse on Monroe Street, in Huntsville. But before you go and get the idea to play hero—he’s got about a dozen guys there guarding the building. They are heavily armed, and the place is locked up like a prison. Getting in will be tricky enough without you going and playing Lil’s savior.”
“Understood,” Cillian agreed. “Plus, Viv would kick my ass if I went in there alone to get myself killed. I’m not the same kid I used to be, man.” Cian had heard rumors about Cillian when they were just teenagers. Cillian was a few years older than he was, but he’d get all the news from Cillian’s younger brother,Declan. They were best friends growing up and Declan looked up to his older brother until he found himself in hot water back in America.
“Do you think a few of your friends might help us?” Cian asked. If they didn’t get enough manpower, there would be no way that he and Cillian would be able to go into that warehouse after Lil.
“I know that they will,” Cillian promised. “How about you meet us at Savage Hell tonight?” he asked. “That will give me enough time to round up some help and fill Savage in.”
“Thanks, man,” Cian said. “I appreciate it. I’m sorry that I let this happen, Cillian.”
“You didn’t let it happen. Sid took my sister, and we’ll get her back—end of story, Cian.”
“Thanks for saying that, Cillian,” Cian said.
“No problem. Meet us tonight at the bar—seven o’clock, and don’t be late,” Cillian ordered.
“Got it,” Cian said. “Thanks.” He ended the call and laid down on the king-size bed that took up most of the hotel room. He had about six hours before he’d have to head over to Savage Hell and that gave him enough time to grab a few hours of shut-eye.
Cian walked into Savage Hell and turned to find the bar full of women. “What’s all this?” he asked. Savage walked out from behind the bar and Cillian flanked his side.
“The women insisted on being here for this meeting. You see, my sister has sparked an idea to start a sister chapter of the Royal Bastards in our area, and well, as you can see it’s caught on.”
“We’re going to get Lil back and then, we’ll convince her to be our Prez,” Dallas said. “The Royal Harlots need her, and we won’t let that fucker, Sid, take her from any of us.”
“I appreciate that, Dallas,” Cian said. “But you have no idea who you’re going up against.”
“I think we do,” Vivian said. She was Cillian’s feisty wife and if she could put up with her husband, Cian was sure she could handle a few Dead Rabbits. “You see, I’ve done a little bit of research and well, Sid’s here without a visa. The Department of Homeland Security is very interested in Sid being here in Alabama and has even offered to help us track him down.”
“Really?” Cian asked. “You’re one lucky son-of-a-bitch, Cillian,” he said. “I’ve been looking for a loophole to get Sid sent back to Ireland for weeks now and your wife did it in what—days?” he asked. She nodded and Cillian laughed.
“You don’t have to tell me how lucky I am, Cian. Viv is a bloody genius. Now, how about we get my sister back? I’m sure she’s probably sick of waiting around for one of us to show up and sooner or later, she’ll take matters into her own hands.”
“That might not end well for her,” Savage said.
“Hell, I’d lay money on it not ending well for Sid,” Cian said. “But yeah, I want her back. You have to know that I plan on marrying your sister once we have her back, Cillian.” He wasn’t asking her brother for permission, more like telling him what his plans were once he got his woman back. That’s what she had become over the last two months of hiding out at the cabin up in Maine—his.
“You asking or telling?” Cillian asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Bit of both,” Cian said. “I love her,” he said. The women around the bar all made an “Aww” sound and he groaned. Sure, he sounded like a love-sick sap, but he didn’t care.
“Well, if she feels the same way about you, I won’t stand in your way, Cian. I’ll welcome you into the family with open arms. But the decision is ultimately my sister’s, and we’ll need to get her back to hear her verdict,” Cillian said.
“Agreed,” Cian breathed.
“So, what do we know about where she’s being held?” Savage asked. Dallas stood and crossed the bar to stand next to her husband, waiting him out for his answer.
“It’s a warehouse in town here, actually. It’s why I’ve come back to Alabama, to be closer to Lil. I know where he’s holding her, getting into her is another matter.”
“How many guards does he have in place?” Cillian asked.
“I counted twelve,” Cian answered. “I ran surveillance for almost forty-eight hours, counting men every time there was a guard change. I was hoping that they’d move Lil and I’d be able to get to her, but that never happened. I just couldn’t go storming in there with those odds stacked against me. They’d kill us both.”