Page 5 of Banshee
“No,” he said.
“No?” the hulk questioned.
“Listen, while I appreciate the offer, I can’t let you or anyone else get involved in my mess. The Dead Rabbits don’t play games and they will kill you and everyone you love if you get involved with helping me.” Cian sunk to the sofa in the back corner of the room, suddenly feeling more tired than he had in a damn long time. “They’re ruthless.”
“I know,” Lil almost shouted. “The leader of the Dead Rabbits showed up at my door. His name is Sid and he told me that I either produce you or he’ll kill me and everyone that I love.That’s how I ended up here. I couldn’t lead him to my siblings in Ireland.”
“So, you lead him here, to Cillian?” Cian sounded as if he was accusing her of some wrongdoing and that wasn’t what he wanted. “I’m sorry, Lil,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean it that way.” She sat down next to him on the sofa and took his hand into her own. She’d never touched him like that before.
“You can’t keep running, Cian, and I’m betting that you can’t handle the Dead Rabbits on your own. Let them help you,” she said, nodding to Savage and Cillian. She was right, he couldn’t keep running and now that Lil was involved in his mess, he had to find a way to break free from the Rabbits; if not for his sake, then for hers.
“Fine,” he grumbled. “But you can’t stay at your brother's—they’ll find you there and will kill him.”
Cillian barked out his laugh. “I think that I can handle myself,” he boasted. “I can take care of Lil and my family.”
“Family?” Cian asked. “As in a wife and kids?”
“Yep,” Cillian said. “Why?”
“You have to get them out of town,” Cian warned. “If the Dead Rabbits don’t know about them yet, they will. When they can’t find Lil and me, they’ll go after your family for answers. The Dead Rabbits have clubs all over America. It’s where the organization started. They’re even here in Alabama. You have to trust me, Cillian.” He didn’t miss the look that Cillian shot Savage.
“Ryder will get you all to the safe house. You need to get Viv and the kids out of here—he’s right. I’m not related to Lil by blood, and they’ll never suspect me. I have a place where these two can lay low for a bit until we can set up a meeting with this Sid guy,” Savage said.
“A meeting?” Cian asked. “You’re as crazy as you look,” he accused.
Savage barked out his laugh. “You have no idea, man,” he said. “But my crazy ass is going to make sure that you get out of the Dead Rabbits and that they stop coming for Lil. Everyone good with the plan?” he asked. Cian wasn’t sure if he was good with the plan or not, but it was the only one that he had. Trusting others and leaning on them for help wasn’t his strong suit, but now that Lil was involved in his mess, he had no other choice.
“I’m good,” he mumbled.
Lil walked into Savage’s home and was surprised to find it quiet. From what Cillian had told her, Savage, his husband, Bowie, and their wife, Dallas, had a pile of kids. She remembered growing up with all her brothers and sisters and the noise in the house was sometimes deafening. She could remember her Ma telling them all to be quiet so that she could hear herself think for a minute.
A beautiful blond came out from the back of the house. “Kids are asleep,” she whispered, pointing her finger at Savage. “You wake them up, you deal with them.” Lil choked out her laugh at how the little blond talked to her husband. “Sorry,” she said, turning to face Lil and Cian. “The baby is teething, and I don’t get much sleep. I’m cranky and by this point of the day, ready for a break.”
“Don’t blame you at all,” Lil whispered. “I don’t have any kids, but I remember my Ma feeling the same way come evening.”
“I’m Dallas,” she said, holding her hand out.
Lil took it, “Lilianna and this is Cian.”
“Good to meet you both. I’ve made us some dinner and then, Savage will go over the plan about getting you both to the safe house. I’ve also gotten some things together for you both—extra clothing, food, all that stuff.”
“I can’t thank you enough, Dallas,” Lil said. “You all are very kind to help the both of us like this.”
“I’ve already told you, Lil,” Savage said. “You’re family.”
“Where’s Bowie?” Dallas asked.
“He’s handling the bar tonight since we have church. One of us had to be there,” Savage said.
“I hate it when you guys miss dinner. I’ll make him a plate and you can drop it off to him on your way out,” she ordered.
“Yes, dear,” Savage mumbled. Lil found the whole dynamic of Savage domesticated almost comical. At the bar, he was so in control, and no one dared to question him. But at home, Dallas seemed to be the one in charge. Lil instantly liked the sassy blond.
“I appreciate that,” Lil said. “Can I help you get dinner on the table?” she asked.
“Well, I never turn down help,” Dallas said. Lil followed her into the kitchen and breathed in the smell of what she assumed to be roasted chicken.