Page 11 of Forgotten Queen
That was the only warning I had before Richard snatched me from where I’d been resting under the shade of a tree.
“What should we do with her?” Richard asked, holding me off the ground with ease. He was just a kid too, but I was scrawny, nothing but skin and bones.
I didn’t even try to run. Just shuttered in on myself, pleading with my eyes.
“She’s all sweaty and stinks,” Sabine said, scrunching her nose and fanning her face.
Jett had met my gaze.
“Take her to the river.”
There was a small river that ran through the northeast of pack lands. I couldn’t even recall the journey. Some of my memories were like that, blacked-out bits of time, but what came after, I remembered viscerally.
“Since you smell, we should give you a bath,” Jett said. “Dunk her.”
The order was for Richard. Even at a young age, it was clear Jett would be the next Alpha, and all of our age group obeyed accordingly.
Richard threw me in the water, but if I thought to swim away, it came too late. Richard held my head in a vise while Sabine crouched over me, Jett standing above her, looking down his nose as I was drenched.
“Let me out.” It was the first time I’d spoken during the whole interaction. There was a twitch of surprise in Jett’s eyes, like he forgot I was capable of speech instead of being a mute prop.
But my plea only delighted Sabine. “Come on, stinky. We’re just helping you. You should thank us.”
“Yeah, thank us,” Jett said.
I kept silent. The water wasn’t too deep, but I was barely four feet tall, so I couldn’t reach the bottom. Richard’s grip kept me above water, but it was extremely painful.
“Dunk her,” Jett ordered.
I opened my mouth to protest. A dangerous mistake. Richard obeyed without hesitation, and I got a big mouthful of water. The feeling of choking isn’t one you forget. I flailed, desperate. I was nearly convinced I was going to drown there, but they brought me back up.
“Thank us,” Jett ordered again.
I sputtered, trying to cough up the water I’d swallowed. The delay in my answer had Richard dunking me again.
When I was brought back up, I spat mythank youas soon as I drew my first breath.
“For what?” Sabine said.
When I didn’t have an immediate answer, she ordered Richard to dunk me, and under I went.
It went on forever. Eventually, because I was pathetic, I thanked them for cleaning my stink. I parroted whatever humiliating phrases that were hilarious to their juvenile minds. Finally, I stopped fighting, and they lost interest, abandoning me in the too-deep water to try and get back to shore.
Despite the heat of the summer, I couldn’t stop shaking, a bone-deep chill following me into a dreamless sleep.
I had been so, so alone.
“Oh yes, yes, yes! Harder, fuck me like you mean it,” Sabine ordered.
Sabine’s cries thrusted me out of my memories. The slap of skin on skin ricocheted throughout the forest.
Richard and Sabine?Gag.
Richard’s grunts punctuated each thrust. I was glad I was pressed against the tree and unable to see them. Of course, my shifter hearing allowed me to hear far, far too much. The gasps. Sabine’s orders to go harder and stop being a weak bitch. It was less dirty talk and more contempt. Especially when Richard informed her that he was about to spend and she just about screeched in horror at the thought of him soiling her.
Moon, if Hell had a suggestion box, I’d be popping this scene into it because there was no worse torture I could think of.
Eventually, the two finished—it wasn’t exactly that long since, despite the supernatural shifter stamina, Richard didn’t seem to have all that much endurance.