Page 59 of Forgotten Queen
The silence stretched another beat, and I self-consciously played with the necklace at my throat.
“I thought you might want an upgrade for the evening.”
He produced a large velvet box. With a flick of his fingers, he opened it.
I gasped.
I’d never been a jewelry girl. Too easy to grab someone by a necklace and choke her, and it wasn’t like I had anyone in a hurry to give me anything.
But even if I’d worn a hundred necklaces, nothing could’ve compared to what Cole had in his hands.
The chain itself was exquisite, a collar made of small stones two inches wide, most of them clear, sparkling diamonds interspersed with green stones that flashed in the hall lights. But the centerpiece was the emerald dangling from the choker. It was so large it should’ve been gaudy, but the simple teardrop shape framed by a small ring of stones made the necklace elegant.
“You can’t be serious.”
Cole chuckled, clearly not expecting my reaction. “And why’s that?”
“I can’t wear that! It’s too beautiful.”
“It’s not half as lovely as you.”
“I’ll definitely lose it,” I protested. “Or knock some stones out.”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
But was I?It wasn’t really the necklace I was worried about, but what it meant. The clothes I could accept. I had to wear something, and it wasn’t like I could get a job here and buy my own stuff. But jewelry—especially something like this—was outside the parameters of our normal dynamic.
But hadn’t I just said I would listen to my heart?
“Scared, little wolf?”
For the hundredth time, I wondered if Cole could read my thoughts. But I wasn’t afraid. I’d sworn not to run away again, and that included running from my feelings for Cole. “Never.”
I turned my back, sweeping my hair aside so Cole could put the necklace on. I’d never known the simple act of fastening jewelry could be so erotic. His fingers brushed my collarbone as the jewels caressed my skin. My breath caught at the same moment the choker clicked into place.
I turned back to face him. Our faces were scant inches apart as I looked up, the distance shorted by the heels I wore under my dress. He looked at me through thick, dark lashes.
I opened my mouth to say something, but it was Cole who turned away first, extending an arm.
“Let’s not keep our guests waiting. Shall we?”
I took his arm. He led me down a different path until we reached a split staircase. From the angle, I could just catch glimpses of the people below, all dressed in equally elegant clothing.
“I’m going to make a fool of myself, aren’t I?” I muttered out of the corner of my mouth as we began to descend the first flight of stairs.
One side of his mouth quirked in amusement. “You have nothing to fear, little wolf.”
We reached a platform and pivoted to the main staircase. Over a hundred pairs of eyes turned at once to face us.
“His Majesty and his consort, Lady Avery.”
I cast a questioning look at Cole as we continued down. “Consort?”
A shrug, though I sensed a hint of tension across his shoulders. “It will do. For now.”
For now.Always with these hints of more to come. I decided not to let this bother me. It suited me as well as anything else. Cole led me down the staircase, the crowd parting as we arrived. Then, as we reached farther in, as if suddenly cued, the crowd engulfed us.
A dozen voices called out with felicitations and questions and requests. I stood silently while Cole handled them. I nodded politely when I was introduced, but I couldn’t even begin to put names to faces.