Page 62 of Forgotten Queen
“After your—well, the queen’s—disappearance a century ago, the realm descended into chaos. I would never speak ill of His Majesty, but the perception was that he took the loss hard. The queen was always the compassionate side of the throne. Without one ruler and with the other distancing himself from leading the people, there was a need to organize and reign in the ensuing mayhem. I had the opportunity to prove myself and did so. Please, do not think any of what I say is a criticism—I am proud to serve the crown.”
He might say that, but I sensed there was a great deal Stefan omitted in his brief explanation. But no wonder everyone kept expecting something from me. I—and it seemed I had to accept that I was—had held a significant position in their society as their queen. An advocate for the people. And then I’d disappeared, and everything went to shit.
No wonder half of them seemed to blame me. Even if few dared do so publicly out of fear of Cole’s wrath.
The ballroom was still vibrating with chatter when I returned. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice my reappearance. It would be a matter of minutes until I was swarmed by different members of the court again, but for now, all I wanted was to find Cole.
Daphne was on the dance floor. Not with the male from before, who was on duty, though she kept glancing over at him in a way that told me she’d rather be in his arms. My friend was developingquitethe crush. The expression on her face made it obvious.
I hoped I wasn’t so easy to read.
Cole was in conversation with someone, but he quickly ended it, his amber eyes spotting my approach.
“Can I talk with you?”
Cole offered an upturned hand. “Come dance with me first.”
“Youdance?” Cole didn’t strike me as the kind to gallivant around the dance floor.
“With you, yes.” The affection in the words made me shiver.
“I’ll step all over your feet. I don’t know how to do all of this.” I tossed a hand in the direction of all the graceful couples who navigated the dance floor with ease. Even Daphne looked graceful.
“If you can handle besting me—temporarily—in the ring, you can handle a little waltz.”
“Temporarily?” I huffed, affronted. Still, I hesitated to take his hand. I’d been sort of okay tonight. Now I was going to make a fool of myself in front of Cole’s entire court.
“Trust me, little wolf.”
I took his hand.
Though the dance floor had been crowded, as with everything, the people parted for us as we stepped onto the floor. Self-consciousness turned my cheeks pink, but I focused on Cole. He led me through a series of easy steps, the music a comfortable waltz. I fell into the steps, following his lead.
Like with swordplay, the steps to the dance came more naturally than I would have expected.
I’d slept side by side with Cole, rolled over him in the training ring. I wouldn’t pretend those acts didn’t have an effect on me. But moving against him, swaying to the rhythm so that our steps and breaths were in sync, the scantest distance between us, his smoke-filled scent taunting the edges of my senses, was another experience. To everyone in the room, he was a fearsome ruler. Yet to me, he was simply Cole. An enigma and an answer rolled into one devastating male.
“What do you think?”
I tilted my head up to better look him in the eyes. “Of what?”
“Everything. The ball. The kingdom.”
I considered. “It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen or done before. It’s a touch overwhelming, but it’s not bad. The people are interesting.” By interesting, I meant extremely intrusive and exhausting.
He laughed. “Little liar. I suspect you find these gatherings as boring as I do.”
Okay, he had me there.
“You’re bored?” I challenged.
“Not anymore.” He spun me abruptly, and I twirled in his arms before landing closer to him than before.
His gaze fell to my lips. Instinctively, I wetted them, looking at his own full lips and imagining the taste of them.
Do you want to waste a second chance by filling it with regrets?
“I want to ask a question and you to give me a straight answer, Cole. Just one.”