Page 62 of Fatal Goddess
The Moon Goddess’s voice came out of his mouth.
“He’ll die from this, Lord of the Dead.” She laughed. “Even if you try to stop the bleeding, he will die, and you will go to the pits.”
“No, he won’t,” a new voice cut in.
Daphne had returned, Xander no doubt nearby.
Could we win?I wondered.Two for two?
“Because even if Cole can’t kill him, I can.”
With one savage jerk, a move I didn’t even know she was capable of, she ripped Jett’s head clear off.
“That’s for forsaking my best friend,” she snarled.
It was the nicest thing anybody had ever done for me. But there was no time to savor it. I ran to help the others. Cole followed my lead, getting there first.
It was bloody, but we’d won. I turned back to howl in triumph.
And saw Sabine with a silver knife at Daphne’s neck.
Chapter XXVIII
“Shift back, or shedies,” Sabine purred.
Somehow, she had slipped away from the fray and sneaked up on Daphne. I growled, but did as she commanded. Cole followed immediately, flanking me.
“Do as she says,” I told Ian and the remaining Wind-Blood. We’d been too late to help the other. “Let her go, Sabine. You’ve lost.”
“Have I?” Sabine simply smiled.
“Your Alpha is dead. And Xander has the flag.”
As if on cue, the Wind-Blood Alpha came into the room, the white banner dangling from his arms. He took in the sight before him and snarled.
“Yes, all that is true, I suppose. But see, I know something about you, Avery. You’re a weak little wolf, and you would do anything to save the one person who had been kind to you. Including damn everyone else. Am I wrong?”
I said nothing. Daphne’s eyes were pleading, begging me not to give in. But if I let Sabine kill her, she’d be sent to the starry prison the Moon Goddess had created. Her soul would join the painful cries I’d heard in my short time there.
“That’s what I thought.” Sabine’s lips curled up in satisfaction. “So here’s how this is going to go. To start, you’re going to drop the banneron the floor and give it to Beta Rourke for safekeeping.”
Daphne’s eyes found Xander. “Don’t do it—”
Her words ended in a gasp as Sabine pressed the knife hard enough to draw blood.
“None of that now.”
Xander ground his teeth, but I knew no matter what I said, he would trade the flag for Daphne’s life. I couldn’t blame him.
“Do it,” I commanded.
He kicked the banner over. Beta Rourke stood from where he’d been buried by the other bodies and took the scrap of fabric. Her father. The one I’d resisted killing.
“Now, the Beta will also take your flag and take it back over to our base. You’re going to stay here with me, and vow to the Styx or whatever it is that you will not attempt to stop him.”
“Avery,” Cole warned.
“I don’t have a choice.”