Page 64 of Fatal Goddess
The demon was unfazed. “The Moon Goddess has officially won this round, tying the score. The final challenge will take place three weeks and three days from now.”
“Oddly specific,” Daphne grumbled.
But predictable. “It’s the full moon. She’ll be at the height of her power.”
Phaidros nodded in confirmation. “Yes. But there’s a problem.”
Chapter XXIX
“What do you mean,she’s not letting us into the realm?”
The problem was that, though the Moon Goddess had set a date for the challenge, she wasn’t actually allowing us up to compete.
“You’re a Libra demon,” I continued. “You should be able to portal anywhere.” Even I couldn’t fully block Phaidros from coming and going into my realm. I could make it difficult, but not impossible.
“It’s a matter of my birth.” Phaidros’s admission came through gritted teeth. He loathed admitting the weakness. He glanced back to where Daphne and Xander were standing shoulder to shoulder, their argument forgotten as they united against a common enemy. “I suggest we go elsewhere to speak.”
“No. You’ll explain now.” I wasn’t wasting time to protect the demon’s ego.
“Because my magic is not strictly my own, but rather a seed of hers, she has unique control over me. Hence the reason we entered this alliance at all. The goal was for you to win the first two contests, not be drawn into a third. Especially not one you can’t winbecause she will not let you into the realm. If neither you nor a representative shows up, it’s an automatic forfeit.”
Cole was furious. “You expect us to consider this a fair contest? Wesaid all your vows, demon. You were to exact the same ones from your mother.”
“I did. But there are always loopholes, and she took advantage of this one. You have safe harbor within the realm, outside of the challenge, but only if you are in the realm. The vows did not stipulate that the ruler of the realm had to allow passage because she had never restricted my access to my home before.”
“So what you’re saying is you were betrayed. Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Daphne said dryly. “Or actually, that you were too stupid to anticipate it.”
Phaidros turned on Daphne. “Your mouth is much prettier when it’sshut, love.”
Xander growled. “Don’t talk to her that way.”
Phaidros simply arched a brow. “You need this oaf to fight your battles now? Moved on so quickly from your knight in shining armor?”
Daphne snarled, showing all the teeth her “pretty mouth” had. “If you can’t hold up your end of the bargain, then there’s no reason for me not to avenge Hector.”
She took a step towards the demon.
Phaidros took one in turn, yellow sparks dancing around him. “Love, if you think you are a match for me in anything but bed sport, I’m more than happy to give a lesson.”
“I think I’m more than a match for you, momma’s boy.” Fur rippled over her skin, the shift imminent.
“Enough!” I cried. “Quit bickering and let’s focus on solving this issue.”
Hurt and shame flashed in Daphne’s eyes. I knew what it was, to be lost in your grief. Phaidros had caused so much pain,but arguing with him when he was our only chance at fixing this was a bad idea.
“Let’s take a day,” Cole said. “We’re all exhausted and covered in blood. Take a day to bury our dead, to mourn, and then we will find a way to solve this. We have three weeks. If the Moon Goddess truly believed there was no way for us to get in, she would have set the challenge for this very night. It’s merely a matter of solving this puzzle.” He took my hand, lifting my blood-covered fingers to his lips. “And we will.”
We returned to Helland filled Hecate in on what happened.
“We need to figure something out. Maybe if I go to the library I can find something,” I said, looking between the two.
“I meant what I said,” Cole said, his voice low and commanding. He was all Alpha, and my wolf side appreciated that fully. “You areexhausted, little queen. Don’t think I’m above tying you to our bed to see that you rest.” His voice tipped lower. “You know I’ll enjoy it.”
Hecate, who had an impressive poker face, simply nodded in agreement. “I will look into it. In the meantime,bothof you would benefit from taking time to recuperate.”
So, Cole succeeded in getting me into bed.
What he didn’t manage to do was make me rest.