Page 22 of What Burns Between
She’s your fuckin’ daughter’s age, you sick fuck.
It’s been far too long since I got laid. Simple.
“Didn’t take you fuckers long.” Turnip slides me a drink as I approach the bar.
I accept it with an open throat and a burning desire for another. “Nope.”
“She take to the idea?”
“Haven’t told her yet.”
He sucks air between his teeth, gaze shifting to where my daughter no doubt enters with the woman of the hour. “Best you get on that.”
I smash back a second shot and then circle around to face Maddie and Rae. “Office. Now.” I thrust an arm in the direction of my sanctuary and then hotfoot it there myself.
The girls trail behind, two dutiful ducklings following a wolf to slaughter.
“What’s the story, Daddy?” Maddie gently closes the door behind us all.
The story.If only she knew how fucking close she hit the nail on the head. “Sit down, girls.”
Maddie gestures for Rae to go first, joining her nervous friend on the same sofa—opposite mine.
I sit for a moment, dumbstruck, as I stare at the two peas in a pod. My fair-haired, fiery daughter and her raven-haired meek mouse of a friend.I’m an asshole for doing this.“Story goes that you’ve been fuckin’ around behind Connor’s back, Rae.”
Her eyes go wide, but to her credit, she doesn’t say a thing.
“People will question why we suddenly have a vested interest in your wellbeing after you’ve been next to invisible on our radar until now. So, we’ve come up with a backstory. You’ve been here before. You want to be a part of the club.”
“By fuckin’ around,” Maddie drawls.
“By fuckin’ around,” I repeat.
My girl tilts her head, jaw hard, as she grinds out in a level tone, “She is not a fucking house mouse, Daddy.”
“Didn’t say she was.” I lift a hand to placate my girl. “You simply came to a party one night,” I tell Rae, noting her pinched brow as I do. “You fucked around with a brother, and now you’re sweet on the lifestyle.”
“I can’t do that,” she whispers. “Tell that lie. I just… No. I’m sorry.”
“It’s the only way we don’t end up with more than Terry interested in what you saw.”
She frowns, confused.
“Tom’s death is public, sure. But the details of the investigation have been kept out of the media for a solid fuckin’ reason. There ain’t many people who know where Tom was the night he died, and the governor would rather his association with high-level criminals be kept a secret.” I note her furrowed brow and continue. “You breakin’ up with Connor the same week is a giant fuckin’ red flag thatyouknow what happened. And people will wanna take advantage of that.”
“If Barker questioning you at work wasn’t enough of a red flag,” Maddie gripes.
“So,” I continue to explain, “we’re makin’ it look as though you two broke it off because you were unfaithful. It explains why the fucker is after you, and it explains why you’re with us.” I link my fingers, pressing my hands tight together as I continue. “Week after next, we got a rally to attend.” I nod to my daughter. “Maddie knows this. She can tell you about it. If we’re keepin’ you safe, then you need to come with us. Men don’t take women to a rally unless they’re one of two things.” I list them out on my fingers. “Sweet butts for sharin’, or in rare circumstances, an ol’ lady.”
“This just keeps getting better,” Maddie groans. “A sweet butt? You expect her to open up for any one of these assholes?”
“Would you shut your goddamn trap a minute?” I jerk back, running both hands over my head. “Fuck me, girl.” My daughter stares daggers while I draw deep breaths to save from wanting to shake her mother’s sass right out of her. “Let me get to the end of what I gotta say. Shit.”
The damn girl has the sense to zip whatever fucking retort sits on her tongue.
“I see the sense in what you’re saying…” Rae winces as she speaks. “It’s just?—”
“You honestly think Volkov would use her?” Maddie interjects.