Page 27 of What Burns Between
The room I assigned Rae borders that line, tucked just far enough behind a short section of wall that she can feel safe. Secure. Because fuck knows, I understand how disquieting it can be to feel as though you’re constantly watched.
“She comfortable up there?” I shift my gaze to Digger when he drops onto the seat beside me.
My younger brother kicks his legs out, pushing his boots as close to the fire as he can get from our position. “For now.”
I don’t like the quiet contemplation on his face one fucking bit. “Say your piece.”
He sighs. “She’s pretty fucked up, brother. May not look it on the surface, but I see those ghosts in her eyes.”
“I see it too.” In the way that she carries herself, her evasive eye contact, and the doubt behind her choice of words. “Prettysure that’s why you came up with this plan of yours, though, ain’t it?”
“Maybe.” He peeks at me in his periphery.
“You think it’ll cause an issue?”
“Not likely.” He smiles a little, focus still on the ends of his shoes as he huffs a laugh. “We’re all messed up around here.”
That we are.
“She asked what the consequences were for what I did to Connor.” He sighs, arms folded over his chest, wriggling the toes of his boots. “You heard from Terry?”
I tug my phone out. “Been ignorin’ him. Yep.”
“Think that’s wise?”
“Think I care?” Fucker’s never showed me an ounce of respect. Be fucked if I’ll give it to him first. Asshole can wait until I’m good and ready to call him back.
“Guess I didn’t kill Connor, then, if Terry figures a phone call is enough.” Digger mutters beside me.
I’d almost say he sounds disappointed.
“Guess so.” I palm the phone, weighing it in my hand. “I should just get it done with, though, right?”
“Why prolong the pain?” I note the way my brother’s gaze drifts upstairs as he says the words.
I feel that, too—the need to take care of our newcomer. The strange sense of responsibility for her wellbeing, knowing we intend to use her for our benefit.
I flick my thumb up to wake the screen of the device and navigate to the last missed call. With a fortifying breath deep in my lungs, I smack his number and wait for it to connect.
Two-Tap fucking Terry. So-called because of his proclivity to carry out every execution the same way. One tap to the body to incapacitate and a second to the head to finish the job.
“Took you long enough.”The fucker manages to sound bored, yet I know he’s anything but. An insult to his son is an insult to him. He doesn’t take either lightly.
“Been busy.”
“Wouldn’t have to disturb you if you could keep your fuckin’ word.”
Funny guy. “Could say the same, Terry.”
“If you’re lucky, all he’ll have is a mild concussion.”
“Who?” I wink at Digger when he glances up.
“Cut the shit,”Terry snaps.“You’re more in tune with what goes down among your ranks than that.”
“Yeah, I am.” I turn for the solitude of my office. “Which is why I’m confident sayin’ he deserved what he got.”
“Would you take the insult lying down if it were one of your boys?”he asks.